epilogue pt.2 wedding day

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We left the twins with max.We went to visit the park,where the light is just right,the moon let out little rays and the stars are beautiful. The breeze from the sea felt just right.

Adym hand is palm into mine,as we walk down the long strip to little shelter with seat inside and a candle in the middle of the table.

We kiss each other and sat down. I honestly don't know where I was but I was loving it.

Little roses beautify the place as we eat, talk and kiss.

"I have to ask you" adym said before instructing me to get up and cover my face.

I did just that. I felt his hand on my waist and our body is very close. "Remove your hand" he said.

Staring directly into my face.

"Cindy" he said.

"Yes" I nervously respond.

"You do know I love you right?"


"You're the world to me and I'm glad you don't know how to board the right plane,I wouldn't have met you" he said laughing a bit.

"Lol adym it was a mistake"

He laugh then continue "you're the best thing that ever happen to me. You make me feel more confident in everything I do now. If it wasn't for you,I would have been in my apartment recording YouTube videos,but now I help to draw some of these big name anime characters.

I really love,trust and hate you at the same time" he laugh

"Adym" I hit his shoulder while trying to Hold back tears.

"Okay okay...you do stress me out alot but you always know how to make me forgive you...I know you feel the same?"he ask

I nod yes to him.

"So I'll like to spend this perfect time to you" he got on his knees and pull out a box and open it showing me the ring. "Cindy amila Watson....would you do me the honour,to change your last name to yorba and be my wife"

I look down at him then smile and look up..."no" I cross my hands and stomp my feet.

He got up and grip my waist "I know you playing girl" he kisses me....

It felt like just couple second,I put on my wedding dress,while my father carry me to my soon to be husband,waiting for me.

We reach and my dad hand me over to adym... "thank you" adym said.

"Boy who told you that you can marry my daughter" dad said and they laugh.

We join hands and waited.


I now pronounce you husband and wife,you may kiss the bride.

We lock our lips together and the church went wild. I open my eyes to little Aaron gripping on my leg.

We laugh and walk out then the church followed.

It was time for the ladies to catch the flower.

I throw it high behind me and fell into some amariah hand,kaylup girlfriends. Kaylup look two side then run away. Lol.

We went out and take pictures before hopping into a limo..I shout and wave from the window to everyone.

I spot max. As he looks around...oh no..there goes the finger...I'm mad as hell.

The limo drove off. Since we were little,I get that Everytime.

"Stop getting so angry bae"

"Excuse me" I roll my eyes.

"Sorry my wife" we laugh and kiss.

no one's pov

as they drift away into the sunset,we watch as we admire the 'just got married' sign from a long distance away.

Okie y'all...the next chapter will tell you what happens after they're married. A little about everybody.


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