Chapter 15- break up

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I can't go home because I don't know where to go. I would get lost and obviously his parents hate me enough already, they won't take me in for a while. That's not the problem either, I don't know where Adym is. I decided I won't stay, I'll just follow the one road going back down and left or something. The only thing that bothers me is that, it's just too late but I still walk.

Luckily, through my heal getting broken, a dog attack and being lost, not only once but twice. Finally! I spot our colour house a few block down. I ran up to it and burst through the door. I saw kaylup and his girl, flip over the couch.

"Robin get my gun we're being attack!"

"It's me idiot." I said.

"Crap, what's wrong with you?" he shouted "middle of the goddamn night someone just decided to enter our home."

"Sorry but, have you seen Adym?" I ask

He calm down and he hop over the couch claiming his previous position. "No I thought he was with you."

"Really." come to think of it the car is not outside. I stayed in our room looking keenly at every car that passes. I tried calling him but voicemail. I never slept that night.

Two days later

I woke up with tears in my eyes from the phone call I just got. I hurried to the hospital along with robin and the gang.

"Where's Adym?" I ask the nurse.

"Adym Yorba?"


"He's in room 9"

I rush to the room seeing Adym drinking soup and in the hospital bed.

"Adym." he looks at me.

"Hey?" he barely say.

"Are you okay?" I sat beside him


"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."


"Ugh I got into a car accident okay."

"Why didn't you call earlier? You had me worried sick."

"I'm fine now."

"Sure?" I ask


I peck him on the lips when his mother fly the door open and push me out the way. "My baby." she rush to him.

"Mom!" He complains.

"I'm sorry okay." she rest his head in her boobs and hush him.

"Mum I'm fine." he said.

"Make sure." she then turn and look at me "why are you still here?"

"Because I-"

"It doesn't matter, I don't want you here."

"But I'm suppose-"

"When are you going to take a hint?"

"What hint?" I ask confuse.

"You're just a next one. I'm not happy with it, but he's just going to have sex you then leave you. "

"No, what are talking?"

"Mom." Adym said.

"No Adym, I'm tired of your little thot every week. She's the reason why you're in this situation."

"How did I even make-"

"Just shut up and leave." she said to me.

"You can't tell me that." I answer back.

"Hey Cindy calm down." Adym but in.

"Nobody wants you here, don't you see. You're just a burden to him, you cause this, you ruin his social media life everything is your fault."

"But I didn't."

"He's just going to get what he wants and then bye. You're just a stupid whore that is not even that cute."

"Adym," I turn to him "is that true?"


"Why do you have to uhm first? I ask

"Cindy no." he said.

"You'll see, haven't he tried anything 'sexual' huh?" she said. To think about it, he did a lot of those things.

"Whores just don't get it." his mother said.

"Stop talking about yourself."

"Cindy, don't say that to my mother." Adym look at me.

"Why are you defending her? Why don't you defend me as well? When she's the one calling me whore and stuff since we came in here, defend me?" I felt a tear fall.

"She's my mom." he said


"No because what I said is true." his mother said. He ignore my question.

"Defend me. Even though she's your mom I am your girlfriend. I'm not going to say pick me over her but you know your mother is wrong."

"Look I just call you my girlfriend, we ain't really official. I didn't ask you."

"So you're saying I'm not your girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

"How are you?" I shake my head.

"Just leave gosh." his mother point to the door.

"Really Adym, you're just making me go like this."

"I don't want you to."

"Then defend me." I said.

"Cindy, she's my mother." he said.

"So because it's your mother, she's the one doing the wrong and you're only complaining about me." I feel more tears run down "unless what she said it true, to say I'm a fan, I cancel and push back all appointed in Tokyo for you."

"Cindy I know but-"

"But you can't defend me" I started crying "fine, since we aren't 'officially' ,your mother hate me, you're just using me and you can't even stand up for me, I'll leave."

"No Cindy." He reach and held my hand.

"Just -ugh. I actually love and...."I couldn't finish "live your life, I'm sorry I met you asshole." I walk straight out of the room. I could hear him complaining, cursing and shouting my name.

"Cindy is different, why would you do that?"

"Cindy!" he shout my name. I went straight home pack my bag, book a flight to Tokyo, call my dad and never look back."

That's such a mean mother and Adym is so and comment if you feel Cindy's pain or go check out living with the O2l boys in my profile.



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