Chapter 17- Not leaving

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Early in the morning and I'm at work but the thing is, Adym is here annoying the crap out of me.

"Who is this? I ichigo?" He ask touching the papers.

"What do you know about him? And stop touching." I said.

"I can draw him."

"Pfft, yeah right." I shake my head.

"Give me a pencil and a paper." I gave him his request to quiet him. I watch him as he draw. He sat so quietly on the chair on the chair, just drawing. Every minute I can't stop myself from staring at him a little. The way how he's focus, biting his bottom lip, how the shirt fits him and his messy cute hair, that-oh no! He looks up smirking at me before looking back to his drawing.

Girl get a hold of yourself!

"Finish." he shouts showing me the paper. He can actually draw. "That's amazing."

"I know right." he wasn't that bad. He actually help me for the rest of the day drawing. Ignore the flirt eyes and constant biting of lips and pushing down his crotch front, having his company is not that bad.

It was time to close up and he drove me home. "Thanks." I said walking away. I saw him coming out of his car, walking with me.

"Uhm where are you going?" I turn around, "waiting for you to change."

"For me to change, what?"

"After I was troubling you today, you said yes to go on a date."

"Lair!" I scream.


"Adym please put down the stapler and Shut up."


"No, you can't eat the stapler. Now put it down, now!"

"I said taste not eat."

"Well the only way that stapler is touching your tongue, is if I'm going to staple your tongue."

"Okay, if I do, will you go on a date with me?"

"Fine." I said, out of frustration

Back to reality

"That doesn't count, I was mad and wasn't thinking about it." I blush.

"Well it does, go and change, sexy." he said with a smirk

"If you think I'm going to go out with you, you're making a sad mistake." I walk in the house and Shut the door.


The lights out.

"Ha-ha, will you go now?" He scream from outside.

I put my head out the window "what did you do?"

"Nothing." he laugh.

"Still no! I'll never ever go on a date with you again. I slam the windows shut.

Few minutes later

"I'll have the tuna sandwich, large fries and grape soda." Adym order.

"What will the young lady be having?" the waiter ask me.

I held my head down and mumble "just order me some pride."

I heard Adym laugh nervously then "she will be having the same thing. "The waiter walk away.

"I don't know how you get me to come here." I gave him the devil look.

"You're here now, just enjoy yourself." he looks at me.

"Just shut up" I push my head phone in.

"Cindy." I heard him call me but I ignore him.

"Cindy." he pull them out and everyone was watching me.

"The food is here." he said.

I push back in my head phones and eat. He looks at me but roll his eyes.


I couldn't finish my drink, so I left with it. We walk all about while he talks and I ignore him. We finally reach my house and he got out of the car to open my door.

"Wanna be gentlemen." I fake cough

"I am." he laughs. I walk away and he pushes me back on his car and put one hand on the car top.

"Can't I get a hug at least?" he smirk.

"I uhm," I stuttered. He was so close to me. I still get goose bumps from this boy not matter how much I've been ignoring him.

"So ..?" He stretch his hand out.

"Ugh okay." I wrap my hands around him.

Don't let me go! I want this forever until I felt something cold sliding off his body and onto mine. "What the?" he says backing away.

"I" my eyes widen...

Lost // Adym Yorba Fan Fic  ✓Where stories live. Discover now