Chapter 13- should I go with him?

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This chapter is a little thing, so I'll update it as a little comedy filler..

"Have you made up your mind?" ricco ask me.

"I'm not sure."

"You talk to your father about it?"


"What did he say?"

"I should follow my dreams, he'll be just fine."

"Then come back home with me."

"Adym, I'm supposed to be in Tokyo chasing my dreams, not with you." I said.

"After both of us can go to Tokyo together. "He said.

"I just don't know Adym."

"Really?" he said.

"You don't even know anything about anime."

"So? I can learn."

"Why do you even try with me, I'm just a fan."

"In your head," he walks up to be placing our forehead together and pulling my body to his. "You're more than a fan to me."

"Are you tryna spit lyrics?"

"Oh shut up," he backs away and sit on my bed. "Cindyyyyyyy."

"Yes!" I shout at him.

"Come with me." he bounce on the bed and through his body around, giving me the puppy eye.

"Boy if you don't shut the heck up, you're going raise my blood pressure."

He threw his face in the pillow and try to speak in it. "Please."

"I don't know adym."

"Meanie." he set his head side way.

"Nice ass." I smack him on it then run downstairs.

"Dad! dad!" I call out.

"In the closet." He shouts back.

"What in the worldl are you doing in here?" I move some pile of clothes.


I look down and it was mom stuff "mom clothes?"


"Oh okay." I rub my pocket and sit down.

"What's wrong honey?" He sat beside me

"Dad I want to leave but I think I should stay."

"Nope, you're leaving. I can't take you home, here"

"Dad." I slap his hand

"Okay," he rub the area which was hurting. "Your mom said you should follow your dream, I won't stop you"

"Are you sure?"




"But dad-"

"No but you're leaving today" he drag me up and push me out his room. I felt a slight happiness but still sad...

I made my way back to my room. "Okay, bird brain, I'll be coming"

"What?" Adym jump up and lift me off the ground with my foot wrap around him. He kisses me then place me back down, grabbing my ass.

He backs away with a weird dance of celebrating. "Let's get ready" he shout, jumping in the shower. I laugh at him, and make sure the bags are completely pack.

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