Chapter 9-Cindy's dead

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This the end? I question myself. What have I done? I fall deeper into the water... I crack a smile, remembering the good times I had back home with my family. I remember getting my first car, meeting my baby bro for the first time and walking into high school the first day.

"Form 1b." I said to myself looking around.

"Cindy" Britney, my friend from middle school call me from down the hall.

Rebecca and other girls greet me "hey Cindy."

"Hi?" I said hugging them.

"CINDY!!" Someone call me.

"Did you hear that?" I ask the girls.

"Hear what?"


We continue looking for our class but my head hurt and the voice got stronger. "CINDY! HOLD ON!"

I fell to my knees "what's wrong?"my friend ask me. I held my head in my hand because of the massive head ache... it felt like someone is beating me with a hammer and calling my name. I struggle to look up at the school building cracking slowly and water bursting through....

My friends were gone and I was left floating in the water that took over the school. I think to myself "is this the end" when I saw a strange boy swimming towards me and calling my name

"CINDY! CINDY!" He reach out to me.

"Who's that? I wonder.

"CINDY!" one last shout and I came back to my senses, seeing ricco swimming towards me.

I struggle to fight but my body won't cooperate... everything got dark slowly. The last thing I saw was ricco grabbing my hand.

Adym's pov

Shit...this is my fault... I dive in after her and call out her name but she didnt seem to respond. She finally open her eyes and I could see the struggle to move on her face.

Her body rest on the pool floor and she pass out. I grab her hands and swim up with little breathe I had.

"Uah!" I gasp for air when I reach the top. Everyone was there waiting to see what happens next. I swim to the corner of the pool with her lifeless body and place her down. The crowd gather around and I was force to do CPR.

But nothing happen... a family offer to rush with her to the hospital.

I look at her in the car and continue to do CPR but still nothing... we reach and some nurse rush out to take her and put her on a stroller.

"She will be okay." one nurse said to me.

As I watch her drift away into the operating room, I could not hold back the tears.

Robin tried to comfort me but I blow him off, beating and ripping everything in my path.

Days of waiting

I wait and wait... but no information from the doctor or nurse.

"Sir?" one came out finally. "We have bad and good news." the doctor said.

"Tell me the good news first." I said

"She's fine and everything alright."

I smile but then "and the bad news?"

"The bills are really high."

"Who cares?" I celebrate...

We discuss the money and it wasn't that high for me, I waited as they let her out. I saw her in a big towel wrap around her from head to toe. Without even thinking I ran up to her, hugging and apologizing to her.

She still look like there is no life in her still "it's fine," she said "I just want to go home."

We walk out of the hospital thanking the doctor, in the car the guys sit at from and we stay in the back.

I wrap her in my arms as she lay on my shoulder and fell asleep. We reach home and I didn't want to wake her. I carry her upstairs lay her down and push our bed together.

I lay beside her and she cuddle up in my arm as if she was cold.

"I feel like shit right now...I'm the reason why this happened and I'm really sorry." I apologize to her. I never knew she wasn't asleep...

"It's okay Adym" she said looking up at me... I never knew what to say,I could only feel tears in my eyes and she wipe them away.

"Don't cry, everything happens for a reason." she said.

I held her by her chin and bring her up closer to my face... I kiss her and she kisses back, leading into a little make out session. I pull away because I wanted air and she blushes then smile at me. Before laying back down on my shoulder. She fell asleep

I kiss her forehead and fell sleep as well.

My gosh! What a sad but good ending...I think I'm gonna go get some sleep as well... to make me happy,please vote and comment guys.


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