Chapter 11- hospital

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This chapter might be hurtful to some, and bring up your past. read with caution.

"Ricco, what in the world are you doing?" I drop my purse.

"It's none of your business."

"It's my business, plus you're also on my bed."

"I'm busy, could you leave? "He said.

"No I won't leave until you explain."

"Girl, stop tripping, and calm down." The girl on top of him said.

"Plus I don't have anything to explain to you," ricco said "you're not my girlfriend so why should I?"

"Wait, what do you mean I'm not your girlfriend? I thought." I said completely confuse.

"You thought wrong," he cut me off. "The kiss never mean anything to me and the date, no, I just wanted you to forgive me properly because I almost drown you."

"Ha!" the girl on top of him laugh. I couldn't even say anything back. I was hurt and I fight hard to hold back my tears. "Fine." I tried saying without crying. I walk over to my bags packing it as I mumble. I have been hurt over the years by many and he will not get the best of me.

I took off my dress and put on something more free and easy...."have a nice life asshole!" My phone ring as I'm about to leave. Dad? That's so rare to get a call from him.

It starts here so if you choose to just stop reading here, fine leave a vote and wait on the next chapter, if you choose to continue, wish you luck.

Phone convo

Me: hello

Dad: hello, Cindy?

Me: dad?

Dad: please stop what you're doing and come home right now.

Me: wait what? Why? What happened.

I drop my bag and held the phone closer to my ears. Ricco push the girl off and had a curious face walking towards me.

Dad: Cindy?

Me: yes? Dad?

Dad: it's your mother

Voices in the background: (someone call the ambulance, hurry get her out of the car)

Me: dad? What? What? What? Tell me?

Dad: She's in a car accident

Cindy: what? As tears flow down my cheek.

"What? Cindy?" ricco held my shoulder" what happened, talk to me."

Me: how?

Dad: the car...and wrong way...hit the tree...the fire rise...she's stuck...

Me: what? I could hardly him because of the noise in the background and him trying to come to term of what happened.

Dad: just come home Cindy, we need you.

Me: I'm on my way love you

End of phone convo

"I'm going home" I said to ricco

"Why what happened?" he ask.

"My crash." I tried explaining because I was crying.

"I'm coming with you." he said throwing some clothes in a bag.

"No." I stop him...

"Shut up and come on," he then turn to the other girl "!"

"So what am I...."she was going to ask something.

"I don't care, just out!" she walk out the room and we told robin and the others briefly what happened and they wish us luck. We call the driver and he took us to the airport. Luckily everything was good and we got on the plane. I didn't even remember I was mad at ricco before. The plane land just couple hours later and we got off rushing to the hospital. I call my dad and he came and pick me up at the end of the hall, we hug.

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"Room 13." he took the things from ricco and carry them.

When I walk in, my mom was on the bed and mumble words to my little brother as she play/rub down his hair. "Mom!" I rush to her.

She gently turn and look at me..."who's there?"

" me mom, Cindy."

"Oh, Cindy my darling." she smile.

"Mom," I break down in tears.

"No! Remember what mama always tell you, no crying, everything happens for a reason." she said. I stood up and wipe my eyes "I'm sorry, I'm fine now."

"Oh my child, look how big you've gotten eh?"

"Yeah, I do." i said showing her my clothes.

"Ha ha," she laugh "with my final breathe I'll say this."

"Final breathe?"

She turns to my little brother

"Boy, I'm asking you please don't follow the wrong crowd, respect your dad, and make him proud. Love him and follow/trust in god. You may not remember this at your young age but please keep this safe". She hands him a piece of paper...." carry this around, look at it, read it, remember me, remember all the good things we've done together. As you said you want to be a doctor, do it. Go for it...and when you do, I'll be happy."

My brother is a bit young to comprehend everything she just said but then she turn to me.

"Oh Cindy my child, you know I love you. You have always been such a kind hearted but mean girl at the same time. ." she crack a smile and I did too."but you're always there for your family. I want you to takeover for me. Be the woman of the family, be the woman, that will be famous for her drawing and foolish anime". She smile again and I did too..."my love just make your dad and I happy. Follow your dreams but never forget me."

I held my face into ricco chest as he rub my back and I cry.

"Young man I don't know you but take care of her for me, that's all I ask."

"Yes ma'am I will." ricco said. Take care of me? Who? Couple hours ago you were 'cheating' on me. I thought we meant nothing. My mom is happy but I know the truth behind that dirty face. Right now I hope he was dying instead mom.

"Cindy you're too young to have a boyfriend. "She trouble me.

"Mom!" I said and she laugh. She turns to dad and told him to take care of us then place a kiss on his lips.

"Ew!" max cover his face and we laugh.

She sigh and relax..."guys..."

"Yes?" we answered.

"I.....LOVE......YOU." she struggle to say

"Beep, beep, beep...beeeeeeeeep!" the thing went off and her hands fell from my dad Palm.

"Mom!?" Max said while shaking her. He started to cry "mom?" Dad pick him and hush him as he cry.

"Mooooom?" I scream and shout shaking my mother, I never wanted to let go of her hand, when ricco pull me away and hold me in a hug on the floor "it's okay," he brushes my hair "everything is going to be just fine."

I watch as max cry and dad tried to stay strong for us...."mom." I whisper feeling broken and cry in ricco arms.

I feel so sorry for all the kids who had to go through something similarly to this. You still make it this far. I look up to all of you and envy your strength... continue to be strong. Well guys that's it for this chapter, I'm feeling so hurt and I'm the one writing this. It's even fictional but, hope y'all like it. Comment please and vote.


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