Chapter 11 - The X-Wing

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The sun streamed through the open port. When Rey awoke the next morning, she had a hard time figuring out where she was.

Ani had left in the night. As she sat up and looked around the interior of the walker, she saw crates stacked around her that were not there the night before.

She groaned and stretched before rising. This was the first day in five years she had nothing to do—well, unless Ani appeared and ran her through training again. Rey grabbed some of the bread and cheese left over from last night's dinner, washing it down with some water. Then she opened the crates, inventorying what Ani had brought from Unkar's cellar during the night. Two crates held ration packets and one crate her tools.

After scraping a day mark at the top of the bulkhead, Rey explored the rest of the walker. One level above her was a troop transport area with three hundred jump seats. There was also a refresher complex with eight units, all canted at a ninety-degree angle. Looks like behind the walker will have to do for now. Maybe these can be salvaged eventually.

She moved around, not finding much else that would be useful to her survival. However, there was much that could be salvaged. Yet, she would need to find a way to get them to Niima Outpost.

When Rey climbed back down to the troop staging area, Ani had returned

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When Rey climbed back down to the troop staging area, Ani had returned. He had added a few more crates to the pile. "Good morning, Rey."

"Good morning, Granddad. What's in the crates?"

"Your medkit, clothing, a small gas stove, water, kitchen supplies." Ani counted them off on his fingers. "Not a lot of gas in the stove, though, so we're going to need to come up with something more permanent. But first, I want to show you something. Bring your tools and some water."

Ani led Rey two kilometers away to the downed X-wing fighter he had pointed out a few months before

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Ani led Rey two kilometers away to the downed X-wing fighter he had pointed out a few months before. It was still relatively cool when they arrived, the sun having risen only an hour before.

When Rey saw it, she ran her hand over the fuselage. "It's beautiful!" she exclaimed. Then she saw the astromech droid in the socket, fried from a laser blast. "Oh, what a shame," she cried. "Poor little guy didn't stand a chance."

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