Chapter 47 - Escape Now, Hug Later

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Rey ran quickly down the corridor, looking for anything to take cover behind. "Rey, stormtroopers approaching," warned Ani.

I know, I know! thought Rey. She hurried into an alcove, holding the stormtrooper gun tightly to her chest. She slowed her breathing, listening for them to pass by her, feeling for them with the Force. From her view, she could see a vast canyon with a drop-off hundreds of meters below. Just like the Inflictor. Good thing they haven't designed anything new in the last 29 years, thought Rey to herself. And just beyond this walkway was a TIE fighter hangar—literally thousands were in storage, with a squadron ready to launch.

As the first group of troopers passed her, Rey sneaked out onto the walkway. Just as she was about to turn to race to the hangar, another group of troopers approached from the perpendicular walkway. They had not seen Rey yet. The first squad was still on her walkway at the farther end. She looked both ways and then looked down.

Just as the second squad turned, Rey shoved the gun over her back and climbed over the ledge, scaling down the infrastructure of the canyon. The squad marched by as Rey clung to the side of the canyon. She peered down at the fall that awaited her and clung ever more tightly. She brought her eyes back to the wall. It was familiar.

This is a service bay. If I could just work my way down to the access lever . . . thought Rey as she started her perilous climb down and over a few meters. She pulled the lever, and the hatch slid open. She climbed inside to the inner workings of the base, bathed in white light.

Ani spoke, "This way, Rey. Your ride is here."

But that's away from the hangar, she argued, but she still followed him. Rey adjusted her gun to firing position and moved cautiously down the service tunnel.


After traversing the tunnel for many minutes, Ani stopped her, "Here. Exit here and climb back up."

Rey looked at the service hatch, identical to the previous one. And then she felt it. A connection. Whoever it was, he was not close enough for her to identify, but the bond was there. She hoped it was not Kylo Ren. Rey felt with the Force through the hatch. Whoever it was, was not at her planned destination.

Ani, she thought. You could have easily stopped Kylo from grabbing me. Why didn't you? Rey stopped walking and threatened, I'm not moving until you answer me, Granddad!

"It was necessary for you to meet him, and for him to meet you," prevaricated Ani.

Why? asked Rey.

"You needed to see the real person underneath the mask," answered Ani.

I did not need to see his face, argued Rey.

"No, but you need to see the light in him. It's still there Rey. No matter what else happens, remember there is still light in him," begged Ani.

Satisfied with the answer, Rey progressed through the panel, sprung the lever, and maneuvered herself back onto the wall. As she started climbing up, she felt it. I feel like I'm being watched. She felt for the source, but she could not determine if it were Han or Kylo Ren. She just knew it was one of them, and two others were with him.


A few minutes later Rey pulled herself around a corner, gun drawn. She knew the group that was watching her was around the bend. She jumped out at them and screamed. She dropped her rifle instantly while Han asked, "Are you all right?" Han smiled at her reply, with relief. He came back for me. Han did come back for me! I wasn't wrong. And Finn's with him!

Finn moved to her and asked, very concerned, "What happened—did he hurt you?"

Rey asked, "Finn, what are you doing here?"

Finn looked deeply into her eyes and answered, "We came back for you."

I don't have to do this on my own. People do care about people.

Chewie moaned, *It was his idea.*

Rey looked from the Wookiee back to Finn and then hugged the man, "He says it was your idea." Finn cares about me? Tears appeared in Rey's eyes, but she was afraid to even show the weakness of rubbing them clear. "Thank you."

Finn smiled awkwardly during the embrace. This was his second hug ever, and this one felt much better than the one from Poe. To cover his embarrassment and churning feelings, Finn asked, "How did you get away?"

"I can't explain it, and you wouldn't believe it," answered Rey softly.

Han looked over at the couple and then back down the corridor Rey had come from. "Escape now. Hug later."

So this is what family feels like, Granddad? asked Rey as they headed out of the base.

"This is only the beginning, Rey," remarked Ani cryptically.

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