Chapter 65 - Then Make Me Ready

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When Rey headed up to the summit, she heard his cough before she saw Master Luke. He was sitting on the damp ground, dressed in his robes, meditating. Rey turned aside into the hut and started the breakfast preparations. "What's wrong with him, Granddad?"

"It's the Force-lightning. He took a large amount of it when he was younger, and our training with it has had some negative effects on him. The first bout aged him—all of his body, leaving him susceptible to the cold and wet. He's initiated a healing trance. Just leave him alone for now," explained Ani.

"We can do that?" asked Rey as she scooped her breakfast onto a plate.

"It's an advanced skill, and not without its drawbacks. Sometimes it's just easier to let your body heal on its own, but he knows we don't have the time," explained Ani.

"Well, what am I going to do while he's doing that?" Rey asked impatiently.

Ani rolled his eyes. "Patience, Rey. Don't ask me what to do. Use the Force to direct you."

"How?" asked Rey.

"Sit here. Become at peace. Let the Force move you, guide you," instructed Ani.

Rey lowered herself back to the floor and started her relaxation exercises. She luxuriated in the Force flowing through her. It took minutes of remaining at peace, long minutes that seemed longer. When she was in this mode, her sense of time altered.

Her mind focused on her mother. She could see her, at the Resistance Base, worried. Lights were flashing, people were scrambling. The base was shaking as bombs hit it. She woke herself out of it, screaming! "Granddad! I must leave! Please, they're under attack! Mother!"

"It's the future you see," informed Master Luke, standing at the door, the sun behind him casting his figure in silhouette.

"The future?"

"It has not happened yet, and it may never happen. The future is always in motion. Don't let it scare you," cautioned Luke.

"But my mother. We have to go to her!"

"No, we can't. Not yet. You're not ready. If you go now, all will be lost," warned Luke.

Rey challenged, "Then make me ready!"


Luke led her out to the summit plateau. "Father, would you oblige us with some lightning?"

"I thought you'd never ask," agreed Ani with a smile. "But not immediately. Spar together first. Two blades on two blades. I'll bring the lightning in when you least expect it. Then join together and battle me."

Luke raised his blades, green and violet, both in a ready position. Rey pulled hers up as they both circled, waiting for the attack. Luke attacked first; Rey pushed him off. He attacked again, spinning, his blades working in tandem but not in unison. Rey was forced to split her arms, defending her legs and her head at once. One thing was certain, the healing had worked. Master Luke showed no impediment now.

Master Luke broke off the charge and pulled his sabers in for a quick attack. Rey quickly attached her sabers into a staff, catching him by surprise. The natural movements of the staff work gave her additional smoothness. Her quick moves countered his, forcing him back against the boulder. He jumped up, levitating himself to the boulder, reconsidering his new situation. Rey gave him a brief moment to catch his breath before jumping up to him and attacking. 1, 2, 4, 3, spin, jump, back swipe, overhead into a leg swipe. Master Luke was kept on his toes.

As he panted, she pressed on her attack, disarming his green saber, sending it over the boulder onto the summit plateau below. Master Luke pulled the violet lightsaber up, moving in double-speed to block each swipe of the dual blade. As Rey was about to bring in a death kill, Ani jumped in and hit her with the Force-lightning. Rey quickly detached the sabers and absorbed the lightning.

While Ani was focusing it all on her, Luke grabbed his green saber with the Force and joined the defense. He purposefully jumped in between Ani and Rey, drawing the lightning to himself. Ani dropped his attack immediately and said, "No, Son. You have mastered this technique. Rey has not."

"Father," chided Luke.

"No. Not the lightning. It's destroying you, Luke," informed Ani. Luke looked at his father, knowing what he said was true. He nodded his acceptance. "You must save yourself for the battle that is coming. On this, all depends, Luke," warned Ani.

"Yes, Father," agreed Luke. "Rey, let's work some strategy with your dual blade. I have read of a Sith Lord using one of these, but never a Jedi. Let's have some fun."

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