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Its been a week since the picnic but Amber never showed up again, not even with Soo. I know I'm being too paranoid for not seeing her for this long, i hate to admit it but i absolutely miss her already.

"Umma, i miss Appa" Soo approach me and said it pouting. I gave her a faint smile cause God knows how i miss Amber too. Despite how hurt i am the last time we talk i can't blame her, im aware that i hurt her too. That i made her put a distance between the two of us. If only i can find way get out of this miss i have right now.


"you want to call appa? " i asked her, hoping that Amber would pick up too.

She vigorously nodded.

As i dialed her number my heart pound like i came from a long run. I feel jittery, i hope she answer it and won't disappoint Soo.

*ring *ring *ring

"hello? " then i immediately give the phone to Soo.

"Appa! " Soo uttered excitedly.

"oh my lil princess,is there something wrong? "

"i miss you Appa, you never came to see me again, don't you miss me?" she said with a trace of sadness in her voice.

"Aigoo, my lil princess misses me.. Keke.. I miss you too of course, Appa just got a lil busy with work, but don't worry, ill visit you if i have time okay? "

"Appaaa! (aegyoo) will you come today? "

"keke, cute.. Im sorry i can't promise today princess but maybe another day, okay? I'll bring you a lot of llama toys"

With the mention of the toy the mood of the kid suddenly brighten up.

"really? "

"Yes, that's a promise, but i have to work first, okay"

"okay.. But i really miss you Appa"

"I miss you too, can't wait to see you again soon...... I think i have to hang up now Soo i still have a meeting, talk to you later okay"

"Okay, i love you Appa,muah"

"Aigoo, of course I love you too lil princess , muaaah.. Ill hang up now, okay"

Then Soo immediately give her moms phone back and hop happily to somewhere in the house, Krystal immediately shove it into her ear hoping she could talk with her but suddenly the phone beep signaling the other line hang up.

Sighed. I understand if she don't want to talk with me at least she never disappointed Soo.

She was still on the same spot, sigh for the nth times as the warm liquid in her eyes threatened to fall.

When suddenly the door bell rung. Jessica was not at home at that moment because of an important meeting regarding with their company. Unwillingly Krystal stood up and attended the door, to her confusion she seen no one outside their house so she decided to just get back inside when a brown envelope caught her attention right at her door step. She pick it up and bring inside. It has a 'To Krystal' written on it.

"who could have left it" she mumbled into her self. She settled herself in the sofa and decided to open the envelope.

"What the-.. " the only thing she could mutter. Inside the envelope was a picture of Kai and another man. They were cuddling and being sweet, anger were slowly building in her, not because of jealousy but the feeling of being betrayed.

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