Chapter 19

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Mike was contemplating if he'll talk or not getting bothered by the atmosphere in the car.

He cleared his throat first as they stop momentarily because of the traffic.

"Ehhmmm..  Krys,  i know im not in the right position to interfere between you and Amber but i cant keep myself silent because im pretty aware of everything on what's going on. "He pauses waiting for Krystal to respond but he didn't hear a word so he continue as he also continued the car when the green light is on.

"She really didn't know about Adam existence until his grandpa found her twin.  It happen same time when Soo was being kidnapped.  As her friend i also did some background check without his grandpas knowledge and we found out that Adam was the same Aiden you know. Amber was really devastated as she found out about that thing.  She almost give up on her therapy losing her hope that Adam may take what was really his.  You and Soo.  Im still thankful that i still able to persuade her not to give up and she listen but i know from that moment her smiles is not genuine anymore,  sadness can be seen through her eyes if you look into it closely. I've seen Amber in her worst state and i do not wish to see her again that way twice as worst she was before because she really love you and Soo.  And to tell you the truth i become selfish  the moment i have known about Aiden.  I told her not to tell you the truth about Adams accident so that you'll continue to hate him but Amber didn't have a second thought to tell you the truth.  In the end she's still the selfless person i know,  she still thinks about other's even though she will compromise herself. She wanted to tell you about it as soon as possible but she cant ruin his grandpas plan on Adams revelation so she waited patiently.  I know that she feels like dying everyday holding that secret and i praise her for her courage in doing so. "

Krystal who just keep on listening on Mike cant keep her tears from falling,  shes confused.  Shes angry but at the same time she realized that shes not the only one  who's hurt right now. She loves Amber so much that she even dream of being with her for a lifetime but the event tonight got her confused.  Shes not sure at the moment but she for sure that Amber was hurting too.

"I really hope it is still not too late between the two of you.  I hope you two can still work things out. " Mike added as he stop the car in front of Krystals house. He was about to go outside to open the door for Krystal but stop when Krystal open her door and uttered 'thank you' as she exited the car and walk directly to the house without turning her back.

Mike can't do anything but sigh.
"I really hope you both can still work it out,  ill do everything in my capacity to make it happen" Mike said to no one as he drove off.


Adam and Amber sat silently infront of the counter with the bartender providing some drink.

"So Am,  i actually saw you and that girl have some serious talk at the garden and she walk pass by me crying.  You want to share?  I can listen but if you don't want i wont force you okay? " Adam said sympathetically.

Amber chuckled with a hint of sadness.

"I think we just ended what we had"

"What do you mean? You two broke up? "

"I guess"

"You're confusing me actually,  you broke up but your not sure. "

"Haha.. I think that just how complicated love is. Lets just enjoy your party okay.  Just don't mind me for the night,  im planning to get drunk so i can sleep soundly later" she tried to be jolly but still sadness is evident to her eyes. Adam just sigh,  he knows that she's just pretending.

"Okay,  if that what you want,  let's get drunk together.  Dont you ever leave my side,  arraso? " adam squeeze her shoulder gently. 

"CHEERS!!! " Amber raise her glass for a toss that Adam gladly take.


Jess felt her throat dry so she decided to go downstairs for a glass of water.

"Soojung??  Is that you? " she reluctantly ask as she adjust her vision looking at the familiar figure sobbing at the couch.

"Unnie" krystal cried as she heard her sisters voice.

"What happen?  Did that llama did something stupid to you? " krystal just shake her head and buried her face on Jessica's chest.

"Shhh.. Its okay..  Just cry it out" jess patted her as she comfort her.

Krystal broke the hug as she feel exhausted from crying.

"Let me get some water first, okay" 

"Here" Krystal just accepted still lowering her head.

Jess just observe her sister not uttering a word cause she knows pretty well that she'll talk if she's ready. She then reach for Krystals hand still holding the glass of water.

"Unnie,  Aiden.. He's back"
"Aiden?  You mean Soo's---" she didn't finish her word as Krystal nodded.

"But how come.?  Did you just meet accidentally or did he look for you? "

"He's... "She pauses as she feel some lump on her troat not able to say the truth.

"He's what? " jess ask impatiently.

"He's Amber's twin "

They both become silent as for Krystal anticipating Jess reply.  For Jess on other side don't know what to react.

She just envelope Krystal in her embrace for she know how Krystal in so much pain right now.


"Hey,  i think ill go ahead,  feelin a bit dizzy now" Amber said to Adam.

"You sure? Ill accompany you to your room. "

"Its okay,  i can manage"

"No,  i insist "

"Okay.. Haha im really dizzy already"

Then Adam supported her by holding her arm going to her room.

"You can leave me now,  thanks bro"

"You sure? Ill call some maid if you needed anything "

She then chuckled  "hahaha.. Its really okay,  im fine.. Just go back to the party,  Sir might look for you,  see you in the morning.  Orayt? "

"Well if you say so, then ill take my leave"

"Yeah thanks"

"And..  Oh don't do stupid things" Adam warned her.

"Hahaha..  Why would i,  just go okay.. Shoo.. Hahaha"

Adam then leave her.  As soon as she closes the door behind her the tears that she held back for so long now freely fall down as she cant keep her feelings anymore.

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