Chapter 29

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"Omma, i want gummy bears" Soo blurted as they walk around the grocery.

"Okay, lets go to the candy section"

Krystal was busy finding the particular gummy bear that Soo always want when she hear a familiar voice that she presume talks to Soo.


"Hey Soo"

To her suprise Lay was in front of her but what shock her most Soo recognise him.

" Oww..hi Krys" Lay notice Krystal confusion as to why he is acquainted with Soo.

"Soo happened to visit my cafe one time and we had a little chit chat, i know she's not supposed to talk with strangers but i guess she find me handsome and trusted to talk to me" Lay joke at the last part but Krystal seem didn't get his joke and look him akwardly.

" Hehe, the last part was a joke though, anyway do you have any companion?" Lay smiled awkwardly and change the topic.

Krystal also smiled awkwardly
"No, its just the two of us"

"Oh great, i hope you don't mind, but can i invite you two for a lunch? Since its already almost 12nn."

"huh, its okay, you don't have to, we --"

"no i insist, please?"
Then he turned to Soo.
"Aren't you hungry Soo?" Then he blink at Soo.

Soo look at her mother then pouted as she nod.

Krystal seems at lost as the scenario is familiar for her. She can't do anything but agreed with Lays proposal.

"Okay² fine, seems the two of you already teamed up."

"Yay, i want pizza and carbonara" Soo blurted as she tap her tummy.

The two adult just smiled as how Soo reacted over the unexpected lunch.

They both pay their groceries at the counter and headed to a restaurant inside the mall.

They ordered pizza and carbonara for Soo, Krystal insisted that she will share with Soo cause she know she can't finish every portion of the order.

As they munch with their order, Krystal was amazed as how talkative Soo is with Lay. Lay return the same excitement of attending every word Soo is uttering.

After their lunch, Lay insisted on driving them home since they only rode taxi. Krystal can't say no as Soo become overly excited when Lay offer to drive them.

"You okay?" Lay asked Krystal out of nowhere as they stuck at a traffic that bring Krystal to her senses as she day dream.

"Huh? Hmmm. Yeah, why?" She stutter as she was caught off guard.

"You seems lost" Lay added without looking at her.

"Its nothing, im just totally quiet sometimes when i got a lot in mind"

"You can share some if you want, but if you don't, it still fine"

Krystal just smiled not looking at Lay and utter.

"Thanks, im fine, i can handles this"
Lay just nodded in agreement.

While Soo at the back busied herself admiring the building and cars they pass by.

"Omma, its appa workplace" Soo blurted happily as she pointed a tall building with a name sign of LIU CORP.

"yes Soo" she answered shortly and glimpse at the building that brought her memories from before.

"Her dad?" Lay blurted out of nowhere that startled Krystal.

"Huh, no and yes"

Lay look at her with a confuse brow.

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