Chap. 1- The Sight

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"Cat hybrid #42."

"Isn't that a two-way hybrid?"

"The cat one is more distinct. Of course, he is a sorcerer-"

 "HISSS!" The scientists whipped around, yelping as the hybrid jumped up to the ceiling, hissing. His tail flicked, immediately jumping and crashing through the window.

"Catch him!"


Seto sighed, leaning against the rocks. The creek ran next to him, some fish jumping out. A mini-waterfall sloshed against the rocks.

 "Wonder where they went..." Dipping his feet in the cool water, he kicked back and forth, like a child. Seto took off his hood, letting the two tufts of fur perk up. "It's been ten years, nobody found me yet. Eh, serves as living in the wild." Running his fingers through his hair, he swished his tail back and forth, looking up to the sky. "Guess I should go hunt, come back and sleep."


 Snap. Crack.

 Seto looked around, jumping up to a tree.

  Snap. Crack.

 "Twig snap, cracks of the leaves. It's too loud, it must be somebody."

 Snap. Crack.

 "Maybe we should head back, Adam..."

 "Nonsense! There should be a cave around here somewhere!"

 "Why don't we dig straight down?"           

"Number 1 rule of Minecraftia: Never dig straight down." Seto put his hood over his face, silently drawing his sword. He crept along the tree branches, darting into another tree.

 "Did you see that?"

"I'll go check it out." Seto held his breath, crouching in wait. He narrowed his eyes at a Bacca climbing up, axe in hand.

 "" The Bacca emerged from the leaves, screeching and fell backwards at the diamond sword barely an inch away from his face.

 "There's somebody there!" Seto widened his eyes as the group, roughly... ten began to climb the tree.

"Fuck." Sheathing the sword, Seto sprinted off, biting his lip as the branches whipped at his face. Jumping into the creek, he slipped into the cave behind the waterfall, jumping up to a ledge just above the entrance.

 "Shit, we lost him/her."

"It was a male." He heard splashes, signaling they were wading in the water.

"There's no spots to hide besides the trees."

"What about the waterfall?"

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