Chap. 16- Alive

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Since I have pity for your feelies, I will assure you that Ty is alive. Proof is this chappie.

Ty groaned, sliding down against the tree trunk again. He stared at the sky, watching the sun. Three, or four more hours till night. Getting up again, he trekked across the land, taking breaks for food or water. His right side hurt like a TNT explosion.

"How many days or months has it been..." Ty lost track of the days he spent out here. He didn't know how long he was out lying on the dirt ground, unconscious. All he knew was that he needed to get back to Spawn City as soon as possible.


"Hey. Wake up." Ty groggily opened his eyes, blinking as he was met with a wood ceiling. Sitting up immediately, he looked around, eyes settling on a male. "You were lying on the ground about 500 blocks away. Zombies were eyeing your flesh."

"Who are you?" The blond smiled, sketching a bit in his book.

"GoldSolace, or Brice. You're Tyler Deadlox/Ty, from TC?"

"How did you..."

"TC is quite famous around Minecraftia, you know. Not just in Spawn City." Ty yawned, stretching.

"Spawn City... is it close by?"

"Somewhat. A few thousand blocks, I suppose... but on the tree tops you can see the buildings." Brice pointed to Ty's side, the hybrid widening his eyes when he saw his white-T not caked in dry blood. "Washed and stitched up your injury."

"Erm... Thanks, Brice. GoldSolace... Aren't you the artist that travels around in Minecraftia?"

"That's me." Gesturing to all the drawings and sketches littered around, Brice smiled.

"What year is it?"

"2020." Ty widened his eyes. He was gone for more than five years?!

"Oh shit..." Brice sighed, staring at him.

"Whole Spawn City thinks you're dead. Got yourself a grave and all."

"What... what about Seto?" Staring out the window, Brice tapped his pencil on the sketchbook.

"Mental asylum. Went insane after the fourth year." Ty was now shocked and horrified. His kitten...

"How long will it take to get to Spawn City?"

"About two days at foot, one day with flying." Snapping his wings, Ty got up. "Don't suggest that, Ty."

"Why not?" Brice swivled in his chair, pointing with his pencil.

"Injury. It's likely you'll reopen it if you fly."

"How long will it take to heal?"

"Two days. I suggest you staying here, I don't mind. Nice to have some company besides them..." A scream erupted from downstairs, followed by a girl's yell.


"NO!" Brice sighed, as if he expected his door to be slammed open with a blue monkey and a green lion tumbling in. A purple/black dragon stormed in, a frying pan in her hand.

"Cookies. I need to decorate them." Meekly handing her the treats, she smiled at Ty. "You were out for quite a while. Two weeks or a month."


"I'm Bonks, the two are BlueMonkey and Weedlion." She coughed, then left. Brice sat back in his seat, kicking the wheels and rolled to his desk.

"Welcome to a house full of artists and animators."

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