Chap. 13- Goodbye.

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Tw: Major Character Death

Day and night, screams and tests. Ty was horrified at what they did to Seto, from courses to hallucinations, injections to insanity. He couldn't even survive a single night without screaming awake, Ty often having to comfort him. He knew what Seto was trying to hide him from. The things they did were inhumane, pitting hybrids together in death matches, seeing how long can they run through a maze with hot wires, or even messinh with their mind. Ty was horrified, shocked that Seto had to go through this for seven years.

"Seto?" Ty sat next to the broken hybrid, setting a hand down on his shoulder. Seto flinched, then relaxed, but tensed up quickly after Ty wrapped his arms around his figure. "I found a way to escape..."

"What is it?"

"The iron bars have rusted after these five years. I tried pulling them apart, worked." Seto sat up, Ty taking his hand. Prying open the bars, the two slipped out, Seto having difficulty for his injuries. Running when the alarm went off, they ran into the forest.


Seto ran, hissing as the branches whipped at his face and scars. He jumped over a creek, legs on fire. No, he can't stop. Not after what he just saw. No.

"Stop right there." Ty and Seto froze, turning around. A scientist stood there, gun in hand. "Hybrid #42 and #12, get over here."

"I'm not technically your hybrid so-" The gunshot was fired, Seto widening his eyes in horror. No. No. No.

"T-Tu!" The enderdragon clenched his side, falling to the ground. Seto screamed, slashing and kicking the person, collapsing next to Ty. "Tu! T-Tu!"

"S-Seto..." The cat hybrid gently removed his hand, trying to use magic to get rid of the bullet. Ty shook his head, Seto sobbing. "Seto... Listen to me..."

"Run to Spawn City. Don't worry, I'll be there with you... Stay there..." Reaching up, he weakly caressed Seto's cheek, wing draping over him. "My little kitten..."

"T-Tu..." Smiling, Ty gently kissed Seto, pouring as much love and passion into it. Petting, Seto managed a choked purr.

"Go... my little kitten... Before they find you again... I love you, Seto..."

"I-I love you too..." Seto sobbed, getting up and running. He looked back, heart shattering at Ty's stiff body.

Seto ran non-stop to Spawn City. As soon as he got there, he made a trip to his library, taking out the three books Ty bought for him. He slammed the door of Ty's room shut, sliding down the door, sobbing uncontrollably.

Ty. Ty. Ty.

Gone. Forever.

No more cuddles. No more play fights. No more brushing. No more cute arguments. No more comfort. No more love.

No more Ty.

Seto screamed, the pain tearing at his chest and mind.


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