Chap. 6- Discovery and Brushing

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The sunlight came through, stirring Seto from his sleep. He groggily opened his eyes, flinging them open when he saw that he was outside. The crunch of the leaves... that familiar scent...

 "Ty, how's Seto?"

 "Still asleep, can't blame him. Fought all through the night." He felt Ty shift his body, placing him in a more comfortable position. His eyes began to flutter again, the warmth and comfort sinking him back into sleep. Ty walked on, nearly stopping when he heard the rumbling sound again. Seto's purring, no doubt. He had to know what was up with Seto tonight.

 "Yes! Spawn City's close! C'mon!" Running, Ty grinned as they entered the familiar city, Sky Base still shining with butter blocks. Jerome and Mitch ran off to their treehouse, greeting the members of the city. The recruits swarmed Sky, Jason, and Ty, Ssundee and Quentin already off to their house in Pixelmon Town. Promising to tell their adventures later, they stared at Seto, Ty uneasily running to his room. Locking the door, he set the still asleep sorcerer down, sighing in happiness.

 "We made it back..." He looked around his room. Oh, how he missed it. The set of speakers, his computer, extra pairs of headphones, the bed, oh the comfort of this place. Ty looked down at Seto, curled up on the couch. "Time to find out his secret..." Kneeling down, he first removed the hood, letting it rest on his neck. The fluffy hair. Petting it, Ty trailed his hand through it, stopping at the spot that felt weird. Retracting his hand, he jumped when two tufts of fur bounced up. CAT EARS?!

 "Ty! We're going to have a feast tonight!"

"Yeah, I know!" Hearing Jason's footsteps echo away, Ty shakily drew his attention back to Seto. The hybrid was still sleeping, ears flicking up and down. A tail flopped around, resting on his waist. Ty watched, eyes widening. "Adorable..." He smiled, letting out a mini-squeal. "That's so cute!"

 "Ty, are you on the computer right now? You sound like a fangirl!"

 "TOO CUTE!! Er... Yes, I'm on the computer!" Ty immediately picked up Seto, holding him bridal style and sitting on the bed. The hybrid curled up around him, mewling and purring as he scratched his ears. 'Oh my Notch... this is the goddamn cutest thing of all.' Instinctively Ty let out his wings, wrapping them around his kitten... HIS? "Maybe I am falling in love..." Taking another glance at Seto, he felt his heart flutter around.

 "Murrow..." Cuddling up, Ty smiled, scratching Seto's ears again. He loved the purr that the hybrid would do, often leaning into his hand. Seto's eyes fluttered open, looking up. "T-Ty?!"

 "You're awake-"

 "TY?!" Seto scrambled off, back hitting the wall. He reached up, horrified when he felt the ears. He looked around in panic, trying, ANYTHING to escape. The window. He looked back, eyes still wild with fear he didn't notice the wings.

 "Look, Seto. Wait!" Jumping out the window, Seto was oblivious to Ty's yells of stop. He screeched as his tail was pulled on.

 "Let go!" Seto hissed, clawing at Ty as he was dragged back into the bedroom.

 "Seto, you don't need to go. I'm fine with you being a cat hybrid." Seto froze in place, eyes wide in shock. Ty wrapped his arms around Seto, he resisted the urge to let his wings sprout again and wrap around the hybrid, instead stroking his hair, earning a purr. Purring, Seto flicked his ears, nuzzling his hand and waving his tail in happiness. Ty had to smile, sitting down at the bed. Seto curled up on his lap, snuggling. What if... Getting a brush sitting on the nightstand, Ty began to brush Seto's hair, squealing internally as he purred, smiling and ears perking up. ADORABLE.  

"Are the others going to know?" Ty mentally shrieked in joy. Seto's voice changed from his normal one to a cute, soft tentative one. The cuteness was overloading, making him feel like a fangirl.

"If you want them to know." Voice cracking a bit, Seto giggled, settling down for Ty to brush his hair again. The giggle made Ty smile, reaching over to play with Seto's tail.

Ty looked around, still brushing Seto's hair when he saw a ball of yarn sitting on his closet drawer.

SetoLox- Hybrid of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now