Chap. 24- Capture

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Life was pretty good, for Ty and Seto.

Course, they got married. When Ty's birthday came around, Seto did sit in his room in the outfit Mitch gave him. He only agreed to do it after two weeks of non-stop begging from the Canadian.

Jerome and Mitch got married, the two instantly taking off after the ceremony, most likely to the bedroom. Seto and Ty were together for a few years, till... they came back.

"You sure you'll be alright?"

"Tu, I'll be back at sunset." Shifting his bag, Seto kissed Ty, nuzzling his neck. "If I don't come back, you cam go out searching."

"But I wanna go with you!" Whining like a little kid, Ty pouted, crossing his arms.

"Fine, fine." The two laughed, setting on the adventure. Seto had to go to the village for trading, which was about a three hour trip. Walking along the plains, Seto perked his ears up at the rustle of the bushes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's keep moving." Sniffing the air, Seto widened his eyes in horror. He knew that scent anywhere. "Ty?"

"Yeah?" He heard it again, the rustle. Seto bit his lip hard, till he tasted copper. The drawing back...


"Seto, what are you-" Seto shoved Ty, throwing his bag along with it. He shrieked, clenching his arm as the blue dart pierced. "SETO!"

"G-Go... now..."


"GO!" Ty rushed over, ripping the dart out. Seto screamed, kicking Ty away.The second blue dart whizzed by barely an inch from his face, hitting a tree trunk.


"GO! I'LL BE FINE!" Seto heard the third click, stumbling up and shoving Ty to the left, gasping as the third dart hit his hand. "T-Ty..."

"Seto!" Ty whipped his head to the scientists running out of the bushes, tranquilizers all pointed toward him.

"G-Go... n-now... I'll be fine, promise..." Leaning up weakly, Seto kissed Ty, giving a little nod. "I love you, Tu..."

"I-I love you too, Seto..." Taking the bag and running, Ty flew up, heart breaking as he heard the agonized screams.


Ty slammed the door open to his room, setting the bag down. TC stood in the room, all with the same nervous or terrified face.

"What... What is it?" Sky took out a letter, shakily giving it to Ty.

"I-It's for you..."

Dear Tyler Deadlox,

Setosorcerer, as you know, is in our hands and experiments at the current time. You have three weeks to save him. If not done in the time, he'll either be trapped forever or die. It's your decision to save your lover, or not. His life is in your hands.


"Those bastards..." Banging his fist on the table, Ty glared at the letter. Three weeks. He had that much time to prepare, head out, save Seto, and head back.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Anything for Seto. Three weeks... How am I going to do this?!"

"Hey, we're going with you." Ty widened his eyes, looking over at Quentin.

"What?" Jerome smiled, leaning against Betty.

"You really think we're letting you out to the wild alone? Nope, we're helping."

"We all agreed before you came back." Jason smiled, Jeffery and Dillon at his side.

"A TC member missing is a part of us missing. We're not leaving anybody behind." Ty smiled, reaching over to the phone.


"I'll get it!" Brice kicked his chair, rolling to the phone. "GoldSolace speaking, who is this?"

"Hey, remember me?" He grinned.

"How could I not, Ty? What is it?"

"Seto's been taken away again, and I wanted to borrow your helicopter."

"Dude, that thing is hard to maneuver without proper training."

"You wanna come? TC's coming as well."

"Let's see... does anybody in there know how to fly one?" Brice heard mumbles and voices at the other end, Ty's voice coming back on.

"Ssundee and Jason know."

"Perfect. I'll take Sky, you, and Jerome. Ssundee will take Mitch amd Quentin, while Jason can fly as the co-pilot. Got a spare helicopter, never really used."

"We'll be there soon, so see if the two are in tip-top shape!"

"Roger!" Laughing, Brice hung up, calling for BlueMonkey. "We're going to need both helicopters ready."

"Got it." Brice smirked. If there's one thing Bonks didn't mind about BM, was probably his ability to fix everything.

"Let's head for adventure."

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