Chap. 12- Tortures

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Tw: abuse

Ty stared out the window, tapping his fingers on the sill. He smiled, reaching over and petting Seto, who lied on the couch. He purred, tail and ears flicking happily.

"Do you want to go stargazing tonight?"

"Same place?"

"Yep." The two had been lovers for about three months now, all filled with cuddles and purrs. Seto got up, stretching and nuzzling Ty. They went out to the hill, Ty leaning over to kiss Seto. "I love you, Seto."

"I love you too, Ty." The two kissed, Seto yelping as something grabbed his collar, everything going black.

"Hybrid #42."


"He was with Hybrid #12."

"The exact enemy." Seto groaned, head spinning. He weakly opened his eyes, sitting up immediately when he realized where he was.

"No... nonono..." The scientists. Experiments. This hellhole. The door opened, Seto shrinking back into the corner.

"Hybrid #42?" The collar on Seto's neck flashed, a grin splitting across the woman's face. "Your lover will be in danger if you don't come with us."

"What did you do with Ty?!" Seto lunged forward, the chains on his wrists and ankles stopping him from completely tearing her up. He kept his ears down.

"Oh, nothing important." Checking her nails, the woman took the chains, kicking Seto up. "You do our experiments, and your lover's life won't be put on the line."

Ty paced in his room, looking around. He never had been here before.

"Enderdragon Hybrid?" He looked as the door opened, a man dressed in a lab coat standing out. "I suppose you're wondering why you are here..." Ty shrieked as he snapped at the chains, effectively whipping back at his wrists.

"I...Ty...You..." Ty snapped his head towards the sound, coming from the corner Seto struggling in the chains, screeching.

"Get up." Getting up from the floor, Ty went to a room with rings of fire, standing in the corner. Seto came into the room, eyes widening in fear.

"Now, Seto. Go through the course, or your lover will be subjected to the things that you know best when you were here." Ty raised his eyebrow as Seto shrank back, quickly running to the start of the course.

"Three, two, one." Seto ran off, scaling the walls that glowed red, screaming as his hands and feet burned. Ty watched in horror as Seto went through the course, burning a bit of his tail at the ring of fires and having to crawl with tiny spikes around. He emerged from the end, panting and body bloody.

"Not bad."

"Do it again." Ty was now struck with horror as Seto went back, limping and clenching his side. A clasp around his ankle buzzed, Ty gasping as Seto screamed, electrocuted. The hybrid weakly fell, stumbling to the start.

"The ankle will electrocute you if you stop." Spitting out blood, Seto did the course again, ending up with a broken body at the end. Ty was horrified at what he did just to protect him. "You get a few minutes with him before the next test."

"Seto!" Ty ran over to him, hugging him tightly. "Why did you go so far to protect me?!"

"C-Cause I can't have you get subjected to the... tortures."

"I can take them on!"

"Ty..." Seto hugged the enderdragon, shaking his head slowly. "I know the terrors... I lived in this hellhole for seven years... I don't want you to go through what I went through..." Hugging in silence, the collar on Seto's neck flashed again. "I... I need to go."


"I'm used to this, Ty. Don't worry about me." Giving a smile, he stood on his toes and gave Ty a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sitting down on the cot, Ty watched as Seto left, hearing screams of agony after a few minutes or hours. He bit his lip, looking out the cell window. Seto was pushed in at the end of the day, weak and injured. Ty held him in his arms, trying to make him purr or something but recieved nothing. "Seto..."

"I know the terrors. I lived in this hellhole for seven years. I don't want you to go through what I went through."

"Just how bad can they be?" Seto looked up from his cloed eyes, Ty shifting under his gaze.

"More horrible than you can imagine."



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