Chap. 28- Goodbye, Forever.

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Tw: Major Character Death. Steel your feels, if needed.

One month.

Seto was released after a week, for his magic regenerating the injuries.

Three weeks left.

Ty was desperate to give Seto as much happy memories in that amount of time, taking him to the most important places of their lives.

The northern lights was the first destination, Ty wrapping his wings around Seto and connected the stars, naming as much reasons he loved him.

The lake was the second place, where they confessed their love. Rowing out to the center, they cuddled under the stars, Seto purring as Ty played with his hair and tail.

The library was the third, Ty letting Seto spend the whole day and whatever day they had time.

The place where they first met was the fifth. They spent the days in the trees and around the river, sometimes going behind the waterfall.

The days flew by so fast yet so slow. Ty was scared about the very last day of the month, the day Seto dies.

"Tu, it's okay. I'm ready."

"Seto..." The cat hybrid have him a soft smile.

"I'm ready for death. Don't worry."


Today was the day. Seto's death.

Ty kneeled against their bed, sobbing. Seto coughed, looking weakly over.

"Ty... Ty, look at me..."

"S-Seto..." Looking up with tears pooling out of his eyes, Seto smiled.

"I'm ready for death, Ty. It's okay." Holding hands, Ty cradled Seto's body to his, crying. "Tu... thank you for all the wonderful memories you gave me. Saving me. Releasing me from hell."


"I'll miss you... our cuddle sessions, the places we visited..."

"I-I'll miss you too..."

"I'm ready, Ty... Just promise me that... you'll smile. That's the last thing I want to see alive. Your smile..." Sniffing, Ty cracked a smile, Seto giving a soft nod in return. "I love you, Tyler Deadlox..." Rubbing each other's rings, Seto let out one last purr, caressing Ty's cheek. Pressing their lips together in one last kiss, Ty held onto Seto as long as possible, heart breaking as Seto's hand went limp. "Thank you... I love you..."

"I love you too, Setosorcerer, my little kitten..." Still smiling, Ty widened his eyes as Seto went completely limp. "S-Seto?" He shook the body, tears flooding out. "S-SETO?" No pulse, no heartbeat, no breath.

No... nonono... no... NO!


"Ty..." TC stood at the doorway, heads down. Ty cried, hands in Seto's cold one.

"I-I love you..." Sky walked forward, placing his hand on Ty's shaking shoulder.

"C'mon... We'll start preparing." Ty looked weakly up, opening Seto's eyes. The chocolate-colored eyes he loved so much... closing his eyes, Ty turned his head away.

"Let's go." Mitch stared behind his shoulder, sighing.

"We'll mourn for him, we promise." Ty sniffed, wiping his eyes.

"L-Let's go..."

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