Alternative Ending

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Due to people wanting a happy ending, here it is. Sequal is for this ending only.

It happened in slow motion.

Ty saw the bullet come toward him, fizzling with electricity. He saw Seto turn around, eyes widening.

"SETO!" The hybrid pushed him to the side, Ty reaching out. The bullet went through... Seto.

"T-Ty..." No. Nononono... Nonono...

"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" TC surged forward, killing off every single one. Ty picked up Seto's bleeding body, heart racing.

"Seto... Seto..."

"START THE HELICOPTERS!" Running back, Seto sputtered blood, breath uneven.

"T-Ty... T-Ty... where are you...."

"I'm here, Seto. Stay alive, please!" Brice threw in triple amount of fuel, hopping into the helicopters.


"How long will it take?!"

"ABOUT THREE DAYS! JUST KEEP SETO ALIVE!" Jumping onto the vehicles, Ty set Seto in the back, pulling out the medical supplies.

"Who here knows first-aid?!"

"Here!" Adam and Quentin got on, both taking the first-aid.



"We're going to have to work quick." Taking off the torn clothing, Quentin quickly injected whatever liquid Ty gave him, Seto falling asleep. "Get the bullet out, clean up the wound, then stitch it up."

"What about internal organs?"

"That's impossible to do here. We can just hope for the best Seto will be alright." Quickly cleaning up the wound, Adam leaned over, Ty rummaging through the bags for bandages.

"Shit... Quentin, hold Seto steady."

"Ty, you may want to look away." Biting his lip, Ty looked away, wincing as Seto gave an ear-piercing scream. He saw the bullet roll out, stopping right next to his foot.

"Fuck!" Cleaning up the wound, Adam held Seto down as he screamed in pain, breath in sputters and gasps. His eyes were closed, but his mouth was uncontrollable.

"Get me something soft!" Ty took out some old rags, Adam stuffing it into Seto's mouth. The cat hybrid bit down on it harshly, Quentin quickly suturing the wound. Stitched up, Ty wrapped the bandages around, looking at the clock.

"We're going to need to keep Seto breathing. CPR is the only option here until we find something else." Taking out the rags, Seto panted, hand clenched weakly. Ty placed his mouth above his, breathing in.

"I'll do it. You guys rest, I'm too worked up to sleep." Nodding, the two slept, Ty looking down at Seto. His breath was a bit uneven, but it was better than the sputters and screams. Taking his hand, Ty squeezed it. "Stay alive, Seto. I beg of you."


"WE'RE HERE!" Landing the helicopters,  Ty took Seto out, running to the hospital.

"Hurry!" Seto was breathing unevenly, blood trickling out of his mouth. Doctors and nurses rushed, taking him to the surgery room. Ty paced back and forth in the waiting room, sitting down when Jason told him to.

"Blood pack! Now!" Ty's ears picked up on the rapid and slow beats of the heart monitor, sinking his heart even lower.

"Which one of you has the same type of blood that he has? We don't have enough..."

"Take my blood! I have the same type!" Ty shot up, holding out his arm.

Anything for you, Seto. Stay, please...


Ty looked up as the doctor came out of Seto's room. He had a wide smile on his face.

"Seto's alive and well." Ty rushed to Seto's room, happy tears falling. Seto smiled up at him the best he could do.

"Oh my god, Seto... You scared me."

"I don't die that easily... Heh." Taking his hand, they ran their thumbs over their rings, kissing.

"I love you, so much, Seto..."

"I love you too as well, Ty..." Ty kissed Seto once again, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

You survived...

Of course I did. For you, Tu.

Just twisted the ending a bit. Sequel is either soon or tonight, depending how long insomnia is going to last.

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