Chap. 9- Spawn City

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"Yeah?" Seto looked up from his yarn ball, once again in a tangled mess. Ty smiled, picking the strands out of his hair.

"Do you want to go to Spawn City today? I can give you a tour."


"Sure." Seto pounced onto Ty, burying his face in his neck.

"Thank you, Tu!" Ty blushed, clearly noticing that Seto was hugging him.

"N-No problem."


"That's the library. Stray cats tend to live in there, but they don't tear up the books. It's like a cat library, read a book while petting a kitty." Ty chuckled, looking over to Seto. "Course, I don't need a kitten." Taking off his hood, he gave Seto a little pet and put the hood up again. They preferred to stay in their regular forms in public.

"Can we go in?"

"Sure." The two went inside, the owner greeting them with a smile. Instantly three cats went up to Seto, meowing. Looking around nervously, he pulled down his hood, meowing and hissing back. "Just explore this place. I'll be over by the coffee shop upstairs."

"Can I read the books?" Ty handed Seto some money.

"If there's any books that you really, really like, then you can use this to buy it. Have fun!" Kissing his forehead and bandage, Ty quickly ran up the stairs, face flushed red. Why did he do that? Seto stared after him, a cat's mewl directing him back to reality.

"I guess I should just explore this place..." He tried to ignore the stares and whispers about his half-bandaged up face, the same kitties following him around. Seto went towards the spell section, instantly getting lost in the books.


"And here is the check." Ty paid for his coffee and cake, adding a little tip to the side. Getting up, he tried to find Seto.

"Seto?" A cat's meow resonated from the spell section. Going there, Ty found Seto reading with the cats curled up around him.

"Ty! You're back!"

"How do you think of the library?"

"I love it!" Ty smiled, watching Seto chose out three extremely thick books. Paid and go.

"That was our second-to-last, I wanted to leave my favorite spot as the last one. Ah, perfect. It's getting dark." The two walked on and on, finally reaching a park with a lake in the middle. Seto thought it looked beautiful. "Not much people come here, since we already have the other park, but I like this one."

"I can see why." Seto spotted a little boat floating on the water, tied to a post and dock. Ty smiled.

"Want to go?"

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