Chap. 26- Rescue, or Failure?

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"C'mon! Let's go!" Weedlion pulled the lever, the ceiling opening. Bonks handled the monitor room, headset on.

"Both helicoptors; engine ready!"

"Can you hear me?"

"Ssundee and Jason!"

"Brice!" Pulling the levers, Brice smirked as the familiar sound of blades turning. Ah, how he loved flying his vehicles.

"Engine's sound okay!" Lifting up, Ssundee and Jason set onto the first pad, Brice on the second. Jerome waved from the window, Mitch waving back.

"Let's move out!" Ty sat in the co-pilot seat, looking out the window. The helicoptors lifted off, Brice put on the headset with Ty.


"We hear you over the noise." Ty clenched the armchairs, staring out. "Ty, do you know which biome the place is?"

"Mountain, between the forest."

"We got the cordinants." Jason hit the buttons, sending information over.


Seto leaned back on the wall, sighing as the chains clinked on the floor. One week passed. Two more weeks till he was either trapped forever or dead. Raising his hand, he looked at the ring. Amethyst surrounded by emerald, crafted from silver.

"Tu... Tu, where are you?" He curled up, biting his lip. Looking at his torn outfit, he sighed at the scrapes and cuts, outlined with dry blood.

"...Test...Arena...Course..." Seto lied down on the cot, closing his eyes. Wherever Ty was... he hoped he'll get here soon.


"Okay, we're going." Ty grasped the diamond sword, hiding behind the helicopter wall.

"Stay safe."

"Got it." Throwing an earpiece, Jerome hopped out, stepping quietly on the grass with the others. Brice was watching the other helicopter. Static.

"We're doing well."

"The garden is to the side." Ty bit his lip, looking above the window. Brice gave a little nod.

"Found it." He heard a few mutters and shaking, till there was silence again. "Oh, sweet! Seven people coming out, identical to us! This will be a piece of cake."


"You seven. Take over for Hybrid #42." Seto hid in the corner, sighing. The door opened, showing seven people.

"Seto?" His head shot up.

"How do you..."

"It's me, Jason." Voices quiet, Jason quickly picked the locks on the chains, Jerome taking a look around.

"C'mon, Ssundee turned off the security cameras." Standing up, Seto hid behind Quentin's lab coat, running out.


"FUCK!" Running, Sky and Mitch slammed open the door, dropping the disguises. The scientists shot whatever they had, following into the trees.

"START THE HELICOPTERS!" Ty screamed, kicking off mobs.


"SHIT!" Brice rummaged through the bags, taking out something. Aiming, he shot the zombies. Ty jumped out, slicing.

"Will you be fine?"

"Been wanting to test out my guns! You go on ahead and get Seto!" Brice picked up two pistols, double-handing. "Made them myself!"

"Alright!" Running, Ty brushed past the tree branches, braking to a stop.

"Back away." TC did, Seto in the middle. "The enderdragon may step forward." Walking to the place TC was, Ty bit his lip. Seto was in the middle of him, and the scientists.

"Seto, come to me. You know that's the right choice!"

"Hybrid #42, don't you dare step to him." Seto clenched his fists, taking a step to Ty. "Don't you see? He's the exact enemy of you. He's going to kill you one day." Seto flinched, taking two steps back.

"Seto. I love you. I'm not going to kill you."

"He's lying. Enderdragon hybrids are  liers."

"Seto. I am not a lier. When did I ever lie?" Looking back and forth, Ty held out his hand. "Seto, please. They think of you as an object, a number. I think of you as somebody real." Seto went over to Ty, fingertips touching when he heard the click.

"Not another step, or he'll die."

"Seto." Seto balled his fists, quickly jumping into Ty's arms.

"Say goodbye." Ty widened his eyes, Seto as well.

"SETO!" The gunshot fired.

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