Chap. 7- Yarn With Cuteness

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Ty looked around, still brushing Seto's hair when he saw a ball of yarn sitting on his closet drawer.

Seto followed his gaze, sitting up immediately when he noticed the ball of green yarn. Ty ran for it, snatching it up and looking back, nearly bursting into a fit of giggles. Seto was in the pounce position, butt up and tail waving playfully back and forth. He prowled along the bed as Ty moved around the room, eyes on the yarn the entire time. Watching carefully, Ty was about to move again when somebody banged on the door.

"Ty! Make sure to bring Seto to the dinner party tonight, unless he doesn't want to."

"Got it!" He looked back, confused as to why the yarn was gone when he looked behind him. Seto was already tangled up, playing with it and laughing happily. He looked as it rolled away, backing up with the position again before pouncing, rolling in it in his hands. Ty was now overfilled with thoughts at how adorable Seto was, mentally squealing like a fangirl.

"Tu?" OH. "What's wrong, Tu?" Seto tilted his head, voice childish and soft. Ty buried his head in his hands, shrieking in cuteness.


"I-I am?"

"Look at you!" Grabbing his shoulders, Ty tried to not throw stuffed animals into Seto's face. "Cute little kitty ears," Seto flicked them up and down. "a tail to go along with it," The tail swished around, tangling up in the yarn on the floor. "BIG BROWN EYES," Seto batted them a bit, making Ty blush. "CUTE FACE, and the most goddamn fluffy hair ever."


"AND YOU SAY MY NAME SO CUTELY INCORRECTLY!!" Seto flattened his ears, pulling up his hood and tucking his tail away. He blinked, then looked up.

"Ty?" Ty raised his eyebrow, realizing Seto wasn't the kitten anymore. Seto chuckled, shaking his hood off and letting his inner cat out. "Tu, you're cute as well!"

"W-Wha?" Ty backed away, blushing furiously. Seto tilted his head, eyes wide and childish.

"You're cute too!"

"You're cuter!" The two glared at each other, Seto slowly backing up into a pounce position.

"No. You're cuter."

"Ah-ah. You're cuter." Ty yelped as Seto pounced on him, tail waving playfully.

"You're more adorable." Flipping, Ty leaned down, making sure his face was serious.

"You're the most adorable little kitty hybrid ever." Seto blushed, Ty needing to run all the way to a sound-proof room and squeal crazily before coming back, only to find Seto batting the yarn around again, giggling and untangling himself before curling up on the bed. "S-Seto?"


"Tonight we're going to have a dinner party as to celebrate our adventure of coming back. Would you like to attend?"

"Will there be fish?"

"Er... yes?"

"Raw and cooked?"

"Raw and cooked. Jerome wants raw food." The seven suddenly barged in, Seto yelping.

"Ty! The party is almost going to start-" They stared at Seto, particularly the ears. "Seto's a... cat hybrid?"

"Murrar!" Hissing, he reared back, glaring at TC.

"Woah woah, calm down, buddy. We're okay with it, since Jerome and Ty are hybrids too." Seto looked up, tilting his head.

"Tu?" He quickly reverted back into his regular form, blinking. "Ty?"

"... Enderdragon." Ty looked away. The exact enemy of the cat and sorcerer species. But Seto smiled, then turned back to TC.

"The party? I guess I'll go."

"It's going to be a costume party, but hybrids are also attending. Be sure to stay in that form." Walking out, Ty shifted close to Seto, sitting down.

"Don't worry, I don't think you're an enemy."

"Really?" Seto smiled, leaning over and resting his head on Ty's lap again, purring as he brushed his hair."Mmhmm." Judging the way he let him get so close, Ty believed it.


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