Chap. 4- Am I Falling in Love?

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"HISSS!!" The cat hybrid clawed at the scientist, backing up in a corner. His tail was up straight, fur on end.

 "Just c'mere and we won't hurt-"

 "MURROW!" Running past, the hybrid skittered around the rooms, clawing at any. He swerved a corner, screeching as the people grabbed his arms, injecting a liquid in.

"You're going to be alright." The hybrid struggled in the grasps, letting out deafening screeches till black surrounded him.

"NO!" Sitting up, Seto looked side to side frantically, eyes wild. He sighed in relief as he saw the guys from yesterday. "Just... a dream..."

"What was it about?" Seto flinched, putting his hood on as Ty entered the room, balancing breakfast on his arms.

"Nothing important." Mitch rolled over, yelping as he collided into rhe leg of a chair.

"Wake TC up." He nodded tiredly, shaking Jerome's shoulders and instead buried his face in the fur, falling asleep again. "That ain't gonna work..."

"TC? What's that?"

"The seven of us are Team Crafted. Here, I used the supplies left in your fridge." Ty placed a plate of pancakes on the table, sitting down on the couch. Silence fell again as the two ate.

"You're a pretty good cook."

"Am I?"

"Yes." Ty looked over in disbelief, widening his eyes at the adorable view. Seto just had the fork hanging out from his mouth, head tilted. His eyes were wide, the morning sunrays perfectly shining on his face. "Ty? Why are you staring?"

"I-It's just..." Ty was awestruck at the beauty of Seto, the brown fringes melting in golden rays. Brown eyes were shining, the fork still in his mouth. Those soft looking lips... if he could just kiss them... WAIT WHAT?

"Ty, you're still staring..." Seto nervously fidgeted, taking the fork out. The sun light behind Ty made him seem heavenly, shining. His red eye was watching him, ruby. His skin was a bit pale, like his, but Ty was a tad bit darker. And lips, seemed sweet and soft...

"Now you're staring."

"Sorry!" The two quickly turned away, positively blushing.

"Erm... Seto?"


"Would you like to... join TC?" Seto whirled around, eyes wide.

"You mean it?"

"We were looking for an eighth member." Seto nodded, glad to be part of a group.

"Sure!" Ty smiled, giving him a hug. But the two didn't pull apart immediately like friends, they stayed like that, for longer than usual. Seto and Ty were trying to memorize the scent, the feel, everything without even knowing. It was when Jason did a small cough when the two separated with blushing faces.

"Seto's part of TC now?"

"Yep." Seto smiled, suddenly realizing what he did. When would they find out his secret? And was he... really falling for Ty?

It can't be.

But he already missed the warmth of the hug...

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