Chap. 5- Nights and Purrs

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 "I told you before! I'm not eating cooked fish!" Jerome huffily crossed his arms, looking away. "Baccas eat raw, not cooked!"

 "That's the only food we have, Biggums... Eat it."

 "I refuse." Seto sighed, digging through his bag. Taking out a bow and arrow, he stood up.

 "I'm going out to hunt a bit."

 "It's nighttime."

 "Don't worry about me, be back soon." Ty watched with worried eyes, slowly standing up.

 "You sure?" Seto smiled, opening the door. He winked, nodding before running out. The seven watched and went back to eating. Jerome's stomach growled, making Mitch try to make the Bacca eat.

 "Nighttime... At least this night-vision is pretty good." Seto smiled, leaping up into the trees. His pupils dilated into slits, clearly representing cat's eyes. Jumping from tree to tree, he spotted a little pack of pigs and cows, kneeling down on a branch. He drew back his bow, screaming as a spider jumped behind him. "SHIT!" Landing with a thud on the grass, Seto got up, widening his eyes as the mobs turned their head to look at him.

 "Tsss..." Getting up and brushing the dirt off his clothes, Seto took out his diamond sword, pigs and cows forgotten. Narrowing his eyes, he gripped the handle.

 "Come at me."


 "Where's Seto?" Mitch groaned, getting up immediately when Ty began to pace around. "It's nearly dawn, and he hasn't come back yet!"

 "He probably got lost or something..." Ty gripped his headphones, worried. Why was he so worried about Seto? He was sure the sorcerer can handle himself. Speaking of sorcerer... Ty went outside, hearing the familiar tear of his shirt. He was a hybrid, of enderdragon. Enemy of the cat and sorcerer species, so he can't be with Seto!

 "I'm sure it's just my mind messing with me..."  Sheathing his wings away, Ty looked up to the sky, dread eating up his mind. Where was Seto? A yowl pierced the air, making him turn his head immediately. "What?"

 "AND NEXT TIME KEEP AWAY!" A purple figure emerged from the bushes, a diamond sword shining brightly. Ty gasped, seeing the clumps of dead mobs littered on the floor, in a humungous pile. Seto walked over, sighing. "Sorry, was fighting mobs all night."

 "You SURVIVED that?!"

 "What?" Seto bit his lip, hoping Ty wouldn't question how he did it. It was all on speed and agility, with him jumping around trees and blasting magic, using his tail to distract and whip. Cat instincts led him to leap up into trees and skitter around.

 "Did you get the food?" Holding up some raw meat, Jerome burst through the door, wolfing it down and begging for more. Giving the Bacca all the meat, Seto watched as he ate them quickly and darted back into the make-shift shelter.

 "When are we going?"

 "In about a few minutes, are you tired? You haven't slept, after all..." Seto shook his head, but was incredibly exhausted after the fight throughout the night. And his cat senses wanted him to take a nap.

 "I'll be fine. Let's get moving."


 Seto trudged behind the group, eyes barely able to keep open. Ty slowed down, watching as the tired male shift his bag, rubbing his eyes.



 "We're almost there; do you want me to carry you?" Seto shook his head tiredly, stumbling and nearly falling over flat on his face if it wasn't for Ty. "Seto, sleep."

 "I don't need it..."

 "Sleep." Hoisting him up on his back, Ty was shocked at how light Seto was. He didn't even notice the additional weight at first, and judging how he breathed, Ty thought Seto fell off or something for the first few minutes. The sorcerer's breath tickled his neck, but he didn't really mind.

 "We're here, let's rest up for tomorrow." Quickly making the shelter, everybody went to sleep after dinner. Ty slowly removed Seto off, putting him in "bridal style" when the sorcerer suddenly clenched his shirt, cuddling close.

 "W-Wha?" Struggling to get him off, Seto only seemed to hold tighter. Ty blushed, lying down on his bed with Seto cuddling next to him. Reaching over to stroke his hair, Seto stretched again, rubbing against his hand. "Weird..." Scratching, a purr resonated from his throat, making Ty jump. Seto turned over, hugging his pillow once more. Ty raised his eyebrow, reaching over and petting Seto, earning another purr. "Why is he doing this?" He was beyond confused now.

 But found it incredibly adorable.

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