Chap. 8- The Dinner Party

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Ty scanned the room, twirling a cup of juice on his finger. The dinner party was going well, people in costumes and hybrids running around. He wasn't interested in any of them besides Seto. Speaking of him, where was the kitten?

"Sure he's around the fish table..." Flying over the mob of people, Ty scanned the area, surprised there wasn't Seto. Flying around more, he widened his eyes, rage boiling up at the sight.

"Don't touch me!"

"But it feels nice!" Seto hissed, retracting his tail away from the girl. She pouted, reaching out again. Backing away, he flattened his ears, hissing.

"I said, don't touch me!"

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't want you to!" She smirked, wrapping her tail around Seto's waist, going uncomfortably close.

"C'mon, don't lie~" Seto screeched, shoving her away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" The girl glared, suddenly raking her claws across Seto's cheek, blood trickling out. He yelped, tears pricking his eyes. Ty clenched his fingers. Nobody, NOBODY hurts HIS kitten. Swooping down, he wrapped his wings around Seto, pulling him close. The girl flinched, fear dilating in.

"Get the fuck away." Ty growled, tightening his hold on Seto, wings around him protectively. "Or I'll slash your cheeks." She ran away, shrieking. Seto whimpered, ears down.


"C'mon, let's get you fixed up." Flying to his room, Seto didn't care that he was carried bridal style. Ty set him on the bed, taking a wet paper towel and dabbing at the blood. Seto shrank back, biting his lip in pain. "It's alright, Seto."

"It hurts..."

"Just relax, okay?" Getting out another wet paper towel, Ty washed the wound, making sure to be gentle. Seto had his ears down, flattened as his tail didn't move. Scavenging around for bandages or a large band-aid, Ty widened his eyes as Seto screamed, holding his face in pain. "Seto! What's wrong?!" The hybrid cried, shakily removing his hands. Ty bit his lip, furiously digging around. The slash. Of course, it was from a cat witch! Slashes from their claws can make the wound stretch, therefore a slash on a cheek can extend to the eye and forehead. It can only be stopped when bandaged with the blood of an enderdragon.

"It hurts!" Ty quickly made a small cut on his finger, letting the blood drip onto the bandage before stilling Seto, wrapping it around. Sobbing, Seto curled up, wrapping his tail around. "T-T-Tu..."

"Shh... It's alright, Seto." Half of his face was bandaged up, since the wound stopped right above his mouth and right under his eye. Seto sniffed, tears pooling out of his visible eye. Ty held the crying hybrid, wrapping his arms around. Stroking his hair, Seto whimpered, managing a small purr. Taking the brush and gently brushing through his tail, Ty smiled as Seto cuddled up to him, purring.

"Shall we go back to the party?"

"I don't want to..."

"Don't worry, I'll be there, next to you this time."


"Promise." Seto smiled, pink spreading across his face when Ty kissed his bandage.


"And that is the end of our adventure!" The table clapped and cheered, clinking their glasses together and drinking. Seto watched from behind, nibbling on his fish. He didn't like attending these types of things.

"What do you want, Seto?" He looked up, smiling when Ty came up.

"Just fish, though milk would be nice..." Ty smirked, holding up a glass of milk.

"Thought so." Leading Seto out to a small area outside near the pool, Ty sat down on the chair, gesturing to the plates on the table. "Knew that you wouldn't like staying inside, so I brought you out here."

"Thank you..."

"No need to thank me." Seto nibbled on his fish, the flavor delicious and rich. Ty ate his food, mostly consisting of meat. The two couldn't help but steal glances every once in a while, especially Seto. He admired how Ty's hair moved, how soft it was. He would stare at his ruby eyes, shining brightly. And the wings and tail... oh...


"Yes, Seto?"

"Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure." Quickly cleaning up, the two went for a walk. Just around the garden and courtyard of Sky Base. Ty breathed in the scent of the flowers, noticing a distinct one coming from Seto. Scent of... roses. Seto shivered, wrapping his arms around when Ty's wing enveloped him, pulling him close.


"You were cold." Blushing, Ty sat down, wing still around Seto. He opened hia mouth to confess, but couldn't. Seto clenched at the blades of grass, wanting to admit his affection for Ty, yet unable to.

"S-Should we head back in?"

"Sure, and how's your injury?" Seto touched the bandages, sighing. He didn't like wearing them... "You look beautiful no matter what."

"I do?" Ty smiled, nodding.

"Yes." Hugging, Ty kissed Seto's bandage, taking his hand. "It's gonna be cold outside soon. Let's go in."


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