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After the therapy session Dean was curious why Seth hated the other man so much.
Dean was sure that both men studied medicine when they were younger, but at the end they were in different professional fields, since Seth was surgeon and Reigns was physiotherapist. But they must have been something between them, because you don't hate someone this much for no certain reason.
However, he only needed to wait until Seth comes for another question round, which will probably be in the next hour since it was already midnight. Dean pitied Seth a bit for always having the night shift, but he was probably the one who wanted to do them so that he didn't have to talk much with other people, but that was before Dean came into the hospital.

Dean was really tired tough and he laid down on the bed, he only wanted to close his eyes for a few seconds, just to rest a bit.

Dean snapped awake, he maybe slept longer than he wanted, he rubbed his eyes and sat up a bit.
He frightened as he saw a shadow sitting on the chair next to his bed. He blinked a few times until he realized that it was Seth, sleeping.
'He didn't wait for me to wake up, did he?' Dean mumbled. It was kind of cute. But Seth sitting there in this weird angle hurt only from looking at him.
Dean sat up properly and nudged Seth's shoulder. Seth groaned a bit before his eyes fluttered open and he realized where he was and who he was with.
'Slept well?' Dean asked Seth who was slightly embarrassed.
'Er.. yes.' Seth mumbled the answer.
'This chair must be the most uncomfortable thing to sleep on.' Dean huffed.
'But the other bed is away because no one sleeps in it anyway. So I had to take the chair.' Seth answered annoyed.
'Well, come over, the bed is way more comfortable.' Dean offered and patted the free spot next to him. Seth hesitated, but his burning bones and tensing muscles literally screamed yes, so he accepted the offer and laid down on the bed next to Dean. Their sides were touching each other's but they both weren't bothered by that.
They looked up at the ceiling, the room was almost pitch black only the few lights from the backyard of the hospital were shining into the room.
There was a moment of silence between them until Dean started talking.
'Can I start?' Dean asked almost whispering.
'You already did.' Seth.. chuckled.
Every time before when Seth answered with phrases like this he meant it death serious, but now he chuckled.
'Why do you hate that therapist so much?' Dean asked still whispering, they didn't need to talk loud since the only thing you have heard, were their breathes and voices, when they talked.
'Long story.' Seth mumbled.
'I've got time.' Dean answered not looking away from the ceiling.
'Well, we've studied together. We were at the same university not far away from here.
It was my first day, and I searched for my lecture. And I walked around and couldn't find it, then I heard someone asking someone else where to find the same lecture that I was looking for. I turned around and saw the Samoan talking to a professor. The professor told him where to find the lecture. Then he started walking and I cought up to him and started talking with him. Well, we became best friends, not only in the lectures, I visited Roman at his and he visited me at mine. We sometimes, if I was in the mood, went out drinking some beers and stuff like that.' Seth started.
Dean listened closely, it really interested him.
'And what happened that your relationship is now so fucked up?' Dean asked.
'Hey, hey, hey. I'm the one telling the story.' Seth said in a cute way.
'So, as you've noticed, everything changed at one point. It was the day of the practical tests. Roman actually wanted to become a surgeon with physiotherapist faculties.
So the evening before the test we've learned together and at some point he had a question and I answered it him, but it was hella wrong. But he thought I'm right. Then the next day I woke up and the right answer came into my mind. I wanted to call Roman, but he didn't take the call. And well, at the test he made this mistake, and didn't pass the test. And since then he says that it was my fault. And that's the story of a broken friendship.' Seth said his voice lowered as he said the last.

Dean rolled on his side, even if the room was dark the few light shines that were there let Dean see a tear rolling down Seth's cheek. Dean didn't think about what he was doing, he just took his hand and wiped the tear away from Seth's cheek. Seth first backed away a bit but then leaned into the touch.
'He was my only friend.' Seth added, his voice cracked.
'Why are you two mean to each other?' Dean asked gently his hand still on Seth's cheek.
'He started to try everything to make me fail. And I had to fight back.' Seth answered.
'It's a long while ago, didn't you or he try to talk with the other one?' Dean asked.
'I did try it. But he never wanted to listen to me.' Seth said sadly.

'And when did all the stuff with Saraya happened?' Dean asked very gentle, not taking his eyes off of Seth's face.
After hearing that question Seth turned on his side to face Dean. Their breathes touched the other one's face.
'Long after the story with Roman.' Seth answered looking into Dean's baby blue eyes.
'And what happened?' Dean asked whispering almost like he didn't even want Seth to hear it. Afterwards he felt pretty rude, but Seth's reaction wasn't like the ones he had before. He didn't just wanted to go away like he always did before.
'Dean, I'm not ready to talk, could we just talk about something else?' Seth asked him. Dean agreed, Seth will be ready, just not now.

The room was filled with silence, a peaceful silence. They looked at each other. Until Seth looked into closed eyes and heard snores.
Seth wasn't mad or anything, after all it was 2am. Seth laid there for a few more minutes, until he heard someone calling his name on the hallway.
Seth carefully stood up not wanting Dean to wake up. He took the blanket and covered Dean with it and before he left he stroke Dean's hair out of his face and smiled at him.


AN// I just wanna say; I Am a Roman Fan. That he was like that in my last book, and that the first impression of him right now is also not too positive doesn't mean I hate him. And if you like him and read that and are 'angry' or anything, then keep in mind that this is only a story. And I'm not a Roman hater.

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