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Dean went to the 'appointment' after waiting in his room for two hours.
He thought about things they could do, but if Roman didn't say who told him, Dean actually didn't believe that they would come to a solution.

Just as Dean wanted to open the door, it already opened, and Roman stood in the door frame.
'Oh, hello Mr. Ambrose, come in.'
Dean stepped in, wondering why Roman called him by his last name, but then he saw a woman in the room, who was just about to leave.

'Thanks Mr. Reigns, we'll see us next week, bye.' The woman with short red hair said.
'Good bye Mrs. Portoff.' He answered before closing the door behind the woman.

Roman sat down on his chair and Dean on the one at the opposite.
'Can you tell me now?' Dean asked, he was really inpatient.
'No. But let me reassure you that I have a valid reason for that.' Roman answered him.
'Then why are we here now? That all doesn't make sense, what's your plan? What do you want to do? You can't just snap your fingers and everything is alright, it's Seth we're talking about.' Dean answered angrily, but it was followed by a sad and disappointed sigh.
He looked down on his hands, fumbling around with his fingers as he tried not to freak out again.

Suddenly there was a light weight on his shoulder, he looked up again and saw that Roman's hand lay on his shoulder and he smiled sadly at him.
'The plan is to talk to Seth, I can explain to him that you didn't say something about Saraya.' Roman answered and let his hand slid down on the desk again.
'Honestly? That is your plan? He didn't really want to talk to you before that all happened and you think now he is going to listen to you? Gosh, are you drunk?' Dean complained, did Roman really think it was that easy? Roman chuckled and shook his head.
'Dean, calm down. I know that Seth is a difficult teeny girl sometimes, but I'm gonna talk to him and I'll be able to handle that. The only problem could be to make him understand.' He answered as he leaned back in his chair.

'Don't call him teenage girl when you're the one being still salty about something that happened years ago.' Dean murmured, but it was clear enough for Roman to understand.
'Yeah, yeah. Let's not talk about that. I think we've finished here, you need something else?' Roman asked, not awaiting another question.

'What's the reason that you can't just say who told you?' Dean asked. He found it silly that Roman didn't just say who it was, what could happen? Except that Dean and Seth would hate that person afterwards for taking away what they had.
'It's too difficult to just say it. And if that person finds out about our talk here, I'll have a problem, so you must stay silent about everything. This was just a normal physiotherapy session and nothing else, you have understood?' Roman asked, he was a bit nervous.
Dean nodded, he accepted that answer for now, since he was afraid that if he asks more that Roman will change his mind and won't talk to Seth, but he was going to find out sooner or later.

'I've got one more question. When are you going to talk to Seth?' Dean asked, he wanted that he does it as fast as possible so that everything was okay between Seth and Dean again and they could be happy together again, at least Dean hoped it would lead to a happy ending for them.

'I know that he took the day off today, means he's either at home or at his mom's house. My shift ends at 5pm, I'll drive to him, I think it's better if I tell him face to face, maybe then he believes me easier.' Roman answered and Dean was really thankful for everything.

'Thank you, man. That's really important for me.' Dean thanked the other one.
'You're welcome, I only hope everything will work out.' Roman answered and by the way he stressed the 'everything', Dean knew that he wasn't only talking about Dean and Seth's.. whatever they had.

'Yeah, I also hope everything will be good again,' Dean answered, 'whatever everything may be.' He added mumbling, but the glance Roman shot at him told Dean that Roman heard it, but he didn't say something.

'Well, then, thanks for looking at my leg and we'll see us in two days again?' Dean asked as he sat up, a smile crept on his mouth
Roman looked at his calendar before answering, 'nope, I'm gonna see you tomorrow at 11am.'

Dean nodded, then he went to the door and left the room without saying or hearing another word.

Now the only thing he could do was waiting, even that he rather wanted to try it again and talk to Seth, but there was no chance since Seth wasn't in the hospital anyways.

But maybe that was better.


Sounds like Roman is in trouble..
Or is he lying about something?

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