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Dean got a note from Brie with his next appointments, and he saw that he had to go earlier than planed to Roman, but he didn't think about it any further.

His mind was concentrated on something else, someone else, Seth.
What if he didn't believe Roman anything and still thought it was Dean?
He didn't want to think about it, not even a second, but he would be damned if he said that he didn't think about it.

With these thoughts still on his mind he went to room 528, he was a bit nervous about what Roman was going to say him.
If life was good and fair he would get surprised now by Seth, waiting with Roman of Dean, spinning him around once he entered the room, but life was never fair, or else this all didn't even happen in the first place.

He stood now in front of the door of room 528, he waited a second after he lay his hand down on the doorknob and took a deep breath before opening the door, he didn't even knock before, he just forgot to do that.

Roman sat on his usual place, wearing the same white clothes as usual.
He looked up at Dean immediately after he heard him limping in.
But the look he had on his face wasn't the look Dean wanted to see.

Dean closed the door, but didn't sat down on the chair, instead he leaned against the wall next to the door. Roman waited to hear something from Dean, but he decided to be the first one to say something.
'Dean, he was a mess. He lay on his couch with a thin blanket covering him. His hair was wild and he first didn't even want to look at me. I think he feels as bad as you. However he didn't believe me.' Roman started.

Dean bumped his head against the wall, saying something not understandable.
'What did you say him?' Dean then asked, maybe it was Roman's fault, maybe he said the wrong words.
'Dean, don't search for mistakes by me, I'm sure-'
'What did you say?' Dean cut him off, a harsh tone gracing his words.
Roman sighed before answering, 'I said that you didn't say a word, then he asked from who I knew it and I answered that I couldn't say it and then he said I should leave.'
Dean's eyes opened wide as he looked at the other man in the room.

'I swear, if you don't say who told you in the next 15 second, I'll take my crutches and beat the crap outta you.' Dean said, surprisingly calm, but that was probably the quiet before the storm.
And Roman was kind of scared.

'Dean, I can't. And maybe after all, if Seth doesn't believe that it wasn't you, maybe he doesn't trust you enough. Maybe, he isn't the right one for you then. Maybe this showed you that your relationship couldn't have worked.' These words hurt and if it wasn't Seth they talked about, Dean would totally agree with Roman.
But it was Seth, they have talked about. Seth was easily hurt when it came to this because he got betrayed before and just wanted to shield him from more pain.

And by the way Roman said this he knew that the other one was just trying to come up with excuses.

It was silent for a while, both men trying to think about what Roman just said.
'I'm so sorry, I didn't think about what I say.' Roman apologized and the other one took a deep breath.
'I think it's better if I try to talk to him.' Dean said, then he left before Roman could have answered.

Dean went to Seth's office, not caring about the other people on the hallway.
As he made it to Seth's office he saw that there was light coming out of the room.

He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He knocked, but didn't say something so that Seth wouldn't hear that it was him.
The door opened and Seth stood behind it, he was about to close the door as he saw that it was Dean, but the other one places his crutch between the door and its frame.

He pressed the door open, and went in since Seth didn't resist anymore. He was uncomfortable because Seth didn't say a thing, he rather wanted to hear him yelling than not hearing anything coming from him.

Looking at Seth hurt so much, he looked so sad.
'Seth, I swear, I didn't say something, I didn't tell it Roman. I went to him and he said that he couldn't say who told him, because he would be in trouble.' Dean tried to explain.
Seth just looked at him, but he didn't answer.
Dean went a bit nearer to Seth and tried to take his hand, but Seth pulled away and took a step back, he almost looked like he was scared.

'Seth, please say something.' Dean nearly begged.
Seth blinked a few times, before he finally started to talk.
'You were the only one who knew it and now Roman knows it too, it's obvious.' He was calm, too calm, it nearly sounded like he was about to cry.
'I didn't, I-'
'Stop lying to me, I have enough of this! I don't need anymore lies! Now go, go and never come back!' Seth cut Dean off, yelling at him and gesturing with his hand to the door.

That was the first time Dean saw the bandage around his left hand.
'What happened to your hand?' Dean asked worried.
'None of your businesses.' Seth snapped back.
'I care about you, of course it's one of my businesses.' Dean answered.
'Don't say that you care, because obviously you don't really care about me or you would have never told it Roman.'
'Seth freaking Rollins, I do care about you. I didn't tell it Roman, please trust me and believe me.'
But Seth shook his head slightly.

'I thought I could handle it, but that you stand here hurts. It hurts so much, Dean, it even hurts more than it hurt while seeing Saraya for the last time.' This wasn't an 'I love you', but these words meant way more, even that they were rather negative.

'Please just believe me, these words just showed me that you like me too much to just throw away what we had.' Dean said and stared Seth deep in his eyes.
But the other one closed the before inhaling a deep breath then he opened his eyes again.

'Mr. Ambrose please leave my office.' Seth said determined, and it sounded so firmly that it hurt.

Why did it hurt so much to hear these few words coming out of Seth's mouth?

'I'm sorry for disturbing you, Dr. Rollins.' Dean said fighting to hold his tears back.

'Please just think about it again, and believe me.' Dean said before leaving the room.

'I don't like you, why don't you understand that I love you?' Seth said, but yet again he waited too long so that Dean couldn't hear it.


I feel so bad for Seth and Dean, it really hurts writing these chapters.

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