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The door smashed open, the wind that was caused by this, threw some stacks of paper from the desk down on the floor.

As he entered the room he closed the door again as loud as he opened it.

He harshly kicked against the chair for guests, letting it fly to the other side of the room, where it crashed against a shelf and everything that stood on it dropped on the floor.

But he didn't care.

The stack of paper, that still was on the desk, lay on the floor too after he threw a clipboard on the desk and hit the stack with it.

He wanted to let the anger, that was deep in his veins, out. No matter what the price he had to pay was.

He smashed the hole punch and stapler off of the desk followed by other several stuff that was on the desk.

The laptop almost followed, but there was a tiny bit of self control in him, or rather he didn't want to get all the forms back, because you couldn't call anything he was doing now self control.

Self control was the last thing he had after what Dean did. Saying that name in his thoughts made him even angrier.

'I should have never started talking to you!' He yelled at nothing.
Because nothing was all that was there. All he will ever have.


He turned around and slammed his left fist into the thing that was behind him.

Unfortunately that thing was the glas door of a shelf.

He stared at his blood covered fist, before the pain shot through him.
Then the realization crashed down on him like cold water.

He stumbled back, catching himself with his right hand on the rim of his desk.

He didn't stop staring at his hand.
The blood rushed down his arm until it was stopped by his black dress shirt that he pulled up to his elbow.

'I should have just stayed away from you like I stay away from anyone else. I should have just never got close to you. That's all my own fault.'

'I thought you were different.' He whispered desperate, still staring at his hand and how even more blood ran down his arm.

'You were my weakness. You walked in my life, you came in my heart. You out of anyone destroyed me. What was the reason for that? Wasn't I good enough?' He added, his voice getting lower and lower after every word.

He felt how his heart broke into a million pieces.

His hand hurt as hell because of all the little cuts that were gracing it.

But why should he care about himself?

No one did.

Why should he do it?

'I thought we were having something. Gosh, not something. It. I thought I finally found my other piece. But you couldn't just shut your mouth and not tell someone about Paige, Saraya. And out of anyone you told it Roman. My former brother. I swear if anyone else knows I'm gonna leave. And I'm never gonna come back.' He mumbled.

He still couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that Dean betrayed him with that. And he didn't even know why.

He lost the strength to hold himself up on his feet, the sadness in him was robbing his strength.

He sat down in front of the door, it was more falling down with a bit control so that he wouldn't hit his head.

He wanted to forget about everything.

He leaned his head against the door, groaning desperately.

Why did Dean do this to him?

Why did he do this to himself by letting Dean in his heart?

His heart was never going to heal again. It was broken again like it was before he met Dean.


He was the one who healed him, who made him feel something again, but he just played with him like she did.

He closed his eyes and tried to not concentrate on the mental pain and he tried to hold the tears back, but suddenly he heard something harsh.

Someone was knocking on the door.

'Seth, I know that you're in there. Please, open the door.' Dean said through the door. This made Seth's tears rush down, he tried to stay strong, but only hearing Dean was enough for him to start crying.
But he didn't answer Dean.

Why should he?


'You can't stay strong forever.'

This is gonna be the last update for a couple of days because of Christmas. It's not like I won't have the time to write, but I think most of you are going to celebrate Christmas and won't have time to read.

So to everyone out there,
happy holidays!

Doctor In Black || AMBROLLINS Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang