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It was silent in the car as Seth and Dean were driving to Dean's apartment.

Dean didn't say it, but Seth knew what was in his head.
The blonde wasn't sure what to expect now. He hoped to find anything out about his life before the car crash, about the man who he was before seeing those white lights coming towards him, but what if this man wasn't how Dean would like? Or worse, wasn't how Seth would accept?

The car stopped, Dean looked out of the window, checking if it was just a red traffic light, but it wasn't. They stood in front of a house with what looked like 6 apartments.

Dean's whole body was frozen as he stared at the entrance door, it did look familiar, but he couldn't get a picture in his head walking through it.

Lost in thoughts, he didn't even notice that Seth was looking at him and had his hand on the other man's leg.
The brunette was worried about him, although he knew why Dean was like that, Seth just hoped that once they go inside, Dean won't have a break down, and even if, Seth hopes he'll do the right thing then and be there for his.. boyfriend?

Seth shook his head and pulled away before unplugging his seat belt and getting out of the car. He walked to the other side of the car and opened the door for Dean, before reaching his hand out to take Dean's.

'Come on.' Seth gently said, the first word that came out of his mouth since they left their house where they just dropped Dean's stuff, which actually were just Seth's clothes.

Dean took a deep breath before unplugging the seat belt wrapped around his own torso and taking Seth's hand with his right and his crutches with his left hand.

Seth locked the door before they headed to the greenish entrance door.
Dean gave the other one the keys, before Seth opened the door, holding it open for Dean to walk in.

They stood in a hallway, nothing too luxurious, but it wasn't some bedraggled junkie building.. that was at least something, wasn't it?

Seth mustered Dean as he was looking at every inch of the hallway, concentrated on remembering anything.
While Dean was busy with that, Seth also took a look at the surrounding, searching for an elevator, since on the key is a 4 which Seth thought was probably the apartment number.
At the end of the hallway he finally found a door on which stood elevator, he opened it, but looked at an empty elevator well.

This was dangerous, they could at least hang a sign on the door or something. Seth was more than glad that Dean didn't have to live here anymore.

'The stairs are over here, Seth.' Dean said from across the hallway, Seth closed the elevator door again and walked over to where the other man was.

'How do you want to get up there?' Seth asked while looking at the green stairs in front of him.
'Ugh.. well, I don't know.' Dean mumbled, while looking at Seth.
The other man's gaze went back to Dean.

'Take your crutches I'll carry you upstairs.'
Dean didn't resist, he wanted to get up there and if Seth offered it, why should he say no?
Seth picked him up bridal style, one arm under his knees and one under his upper body.

Dean laid his head down on Seth's shoulder. The fabric of Seth's, surprisingly white, t-shirt was smooth and thin and he could feel Seth's body heat through it.

'I'm scared.' Dean mumbled, staring at Seth's chest which rose and fell a little faster than normal as he walked upstairs.

'It's okay, I'm with you, I won't leave.. ever.' Seth just hushed out the ever, probably thinking that Dean wouldn't hear, but he did and it actually made him smile.

Seth didn't let Dean down and carried him until they stood in front of the red door on which was a black 4.
After letting Dean stand by himself, Seth pulled the key out of his back pocket.
He let it slide into the keyhole and turned it around, but before opening the door he looked at Dean.

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