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'Dean!' Seth shouted, desperation gracing his voice. People looked at him but it didn't matter as Seth realized that he was too late, he lost Dean.. forever.


Seth's eyes snapped open, he looked around, trying to see someone until a familiar figure approached him.
'Why are you shouting his name around?' Seth was never as glad to see Charlotte as he was now. She could help him.

'Did Dean's cab already leave? Where is his apartment? Please, Charlotte, I can explain everything to you later, just help me.' Seth asked, begged.
Charlotte looked confused as she saw the actually cold and tough Dr. Seth Rollins begging and nearly crying right in front of her.

'Why do you want to know that? Did I miss something?' Charlotte asked Seth, who sighed while taking a deep breath.
'I love him, Charlotte. With all my heart and I would do anything for him, I would cut my hair, stop working here, leave this town and live on the streets, if that meant I could be with him. However he'll be gone if I don't tell him so very soon. I'll do everything for you if you tell me what his address is.'

Charlotte gasped a little after hearing Seth's explanation, never did she even imagine words like these, so romantic and honest, coming out of this man's mouth.

'Are you serious about this?' Seth knew that she was just protective and he was glad Dean had someone like her in his life.
'You'll never hear something as serious as this.' Seth assured her, a tear rolling down his left cheek. Charlotte looked at him and even felt sorry and she just needed to help.

'I offered him to drive him to his place, but I forgot my keys inside. He should be waiting at my car.' She finally said.
'Where does it stand?' Seth asked, a slight smile on his face, it still wasn't too late, Dean was still there.

'Parking lot 347.' Charlotte answered and just a brief moment later Seth was out of her sight, running to Dean.

It was only then that he realized that he hasn't admitted that he loved someone in years, but it felt good saying it about Dean, although Seth couldn't be sure if these feeling were mutual or if Dean after all even wanted him anymore.

The doctor slowed down a little as he was near the parking lot, he looked at the signs 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346.
Seth looked at the car standing on lot 347, but he didn't see Dean.

A tear rolled down his face, there was just a white van, standing next to nothing but a small meadow.

'Where the fuck is he?' Seth mumbled while shaking his head desperately. Soon again there were tears rushing down his cheeks.

Seth started to hear sobs, but they weren't coming out of his mouth.
They weren't coming out of his mouth.

Seth tried to focus and wiped the tears away from his eyes to clear his view.
He walked around the car and came to an abrupt stop as he saw crutches and a figure next to them, head buried in the hoddie they were wearing. His right knee pulled up, hugging it.

Seth didn't need to think two seconds, that was his hoodie and Dean wearing it.
Dean hasn't noticed him yet, Seth looked at him as he slowly squatted down.
He was crying, because of him, it was Seth's fault that this beautiful human being was sad and hurt. For a brief moment, Seth thought he should leave again, he didn't deserve someone like Dean and he was scared of hurting him more by staying.

'Don't leave, idiot, you would regret it.' Seth's inner voice said. He took a deep breath before completely sitting down in front of Dean.

'Please stop crying because of me, I'm not worth it.' Seth said as he started crying himself.
The other man jumped a little after hearing these words, but he looked up really fast.

'Seth? It wasn't me, you heard that? I didn't tell anyone, please Se-' The brunet cut him off.
'Shh, you shouldn't be the one begging.' He said, his voice shuddered as did his whole body.

Dean was obviously confused after hearing these words.
Blue-reddish eyes looked at the man in front of him as he was trying to find the right words.

'Listen, okay? I was so so stupid. I should have believed you and I'm so sorry for making you sad, for making you cry. Seeing you like this makes me feel like someone's cutting my air off but I'm still not dying.' Seth started, the tears didn't stop falling down on his lap.

'Seth,-' Dean couldn't speak further.
'Wait, let me finish. I want to explain everything first.'
'You don't have to-'
'I want. Dean, I didn't believe you, not because I don't trust you. I just thought that.. Dean, I love you. I was scared of feeling like this again, and then this happened and I thought I was right when I said that love doesn't work for me back then as everything with Saraya happened. However I was so broken all the time, that I wasn't able to think twice about it and to realize that it wasn't you. Nevertheless, I could understand if you don't want me in your life anymore, but-' Seth stopped finally as Dean cut him off.

'Seth.' Just a few moments before, the brunet thought that he would never hear his name coming out of Dean's mouth again, but there it was, a slight rasp gracing it.
'Did you just say you love me?' Dean asked, followed by a low chuckle.
'Yes, but I can understand if you don't beca-'
'Seth, I love you, too.' Dean interrupted again, and the look on the other man's face was priceless. It was a mixture of happiness, shown in his slightly curved lips, and shock, shown by the way his eyes stared at him in disbelief.

'Do you see these?' Dean asked pointing at his red cried out eyes.
Seth nodded slightly, his eyes wetted again as he realized he was the reason for this.

'I thought I need to leave today, not only this hospital, but the love of my life.
You have no idea how often I sat in that more than uncomfortable bed up in this boring and plain room, thinking if I was a bad guy before the car crash and that I deserve all this. Then you came. And you actually made these thoughts stop running through my head and replaced them, but Roman and Nikki came in between and I've been sad and I've cried ever since.
You know why?
I lost everything, then I had you and gosh, you are the best thing I could ever imagine happening to me, then I lost you again and I thought everything in my life just is supposed to go wrong.'

Seth couldn't believe what he's just heard, it actually made him feel even worse. Just to think about Dean having these depressing thoughts which could lead to suicide in some cases, was terrible.

'I want you, Seth. I will never stop wanting you no matter what.' Dean added while smiling slightly.

'Dean, I'm probably crazy, I mean I'm the doctor in black or however you called it. I literally have no social life, and my best friend for a long while was my dog. I was an ass for not believing you and I will try to change that, if you really still want this between me and you.' Seth answered, he didn't know, didn't understand, how Dean still wanted them to be a thing.

'Shut up doctor.' Dean chuckled before pulling on Seth's collar and kissing him.

It felt like the time stopped right then and there.
It was just them, kissing while sitting on the ground behind a car.
Seth's lips on Dean's, never wanting to break the contact.

As Seth woke up this morning, he didn't expect to get Dean back, now, he didn't want to leave Dean ever again.


So so emotional. I literally did cry at some points.
This is not the last chapter, but the next one will probably be.

I want to thank you guys for everything. 14k+ reads and 1.8+ votes in less than 6 month. That's crazy, isn't it? I never ever thought you would like this, but here it is and you obviously do.

Thank you to each and everyone for making this book to what it is today.♡♡

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