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Dean sat up on Seth's thighs, letting Seth sit up too. They were both shocked and couldn't believe it. The music played further until it was finally silent.
Seth tried to find words, but as he wanted to start the sentence he was interrupted by Dean.
He hugged Seth as tight as he could. Seth first didn't move, since he wasn't able to realize what happened, but as he felt how his neck got wet he came back to normal and wrapped his arms around Dean's still naked body.

Dean pulled away and stared into Seth's eyes.
'Don't you wanna look who it was?' Dean asked and started to chuckle to bright up the mood since they were both really serious.
'No, that can wait. Dean you-'
Seth started but Dean cut him off by pressing his lips against Seth's.
'Mhmm, Dean- you- Dean stop.' Seth said and pushed him off.
'You don't need to cover up the fact that you're actually freaking out.' Seth said and stroked through Dean's hair.
'Seth, honestly, I don't know how I should react. I'm so happy and I would like to listen more of it to see if I can remember more, but I'm too scared that I won't and that it was just luck.' Dean admitted.
'You won't know it if you don't try it, maybe we can get back more of your memory.' Seth said.
'You would really do that with me?' Dean asked.
'Ehm, no. I actually just suggested this so you could wait till tomorrow and ask Charlotte if you could borrow her phone to look for more songs on YouTube, all on your own.' Seth answered.
Making Dean confused and sad.
'That was sarcasm. Did you really think I'm such an asshole? I just kissed you and I really like you and I would never let you alone while going through this.' Seth said and laid his hand on Dean's cheek to comfort him.
Dean nodded slowly.
Then he crawled off of Seth and leaned against the headrest.

'It's not like I don't like the view but you should probably put something on or else you're getting ill.' Seth said, he stood up and quickly went to the closet, and came back with a red hoodie.
He handed it to Dean who pulled it on while Seth sat down on the bed again.
Dean leaned against Seth who moved one arm around him from behind. With the other hand he took his phone.
'It was just my brother, no need to call him back asap.' Seth said after he opened his phone. He tapped around a bit until he opened his music.
'I'll just play the whole song again. Maybe you can remember a moment where you heard it.' Seth said nervously.

He started the song and Dean closed his eyes, he was high concentrated on listening. Seth tightened his grip, knowing that Dean was scared of failing, and Seth didn't want him to feel like he disappoints Seth if he does.

They listened to the song till it was over.
'And?' Seth asked, seeing that Dean wasn't too happy.
'No, I don't know when or where I listened to this song. Maybe if we play it again?' Dean asked, he was near crying.
'We don't have to do this.' Seth said.
'I want to.' Dean said before taping on the display to start the song again.

He closed his eyes again, listening to the song. Seth mustered him, he thought it was cute, but he didn't like how tensed Dean was.

The song was over again, and Dean was disappointed.
'Nothing.' He said.
'That's okay. We're making it step by step. And you made a huge improvement today. It's not bad that you can't remember more. Dean, the chance that you remember anything was just 20%, that's like nothing. Okay? So don't worry, we're going to get your memory back, it probably just needs some more time.' Seth tried to cheer him up.
Dean lifted his head and placed a kiss on Seth's cheek, making the other man blush, then he laid his head down on Seth's chest again.

'Could we listen to it one more time?' Dean asked.
Seth wasn't sure, but he didn't want to make Dean sad, so he played the song again.

Halfway through the song Dean suddenly startled up, causing Seth to shudder.
'What? Dean? Can you remember something?' Seth asked.
'Yes.' Dean said and quickly sat up properly.
Seth stared at him, he was slightly worried.

'I can remember the lights, Seth. All the red lights.' Dean started. Seth was in concern since what Dean was saying sounded really strange.
'What red lights?' Seth asked but Dean just went further.
'The song played in the background. Then suddenly I saw white lights, and everything went black.'
Seth couldn't explain to himself what Dean was talking about.
'Then I saw the blue lights.' Dean added.
'Dean what are you-' Seth started, but Dean didn't even listen to him.
'Then I saw you.'
Now Seth knew what he was talking about.
Dean was shuddering, Seth hugged him to let him know that he wasn't alone.
'Thank you.' Dean whispered.
Seth pulled away but quickly leaned in again for a kiss.

'I'm gonna call Natalya tomorrow morning that she has to come as fast as possible.' Seth said after he pulled away.
'Could you stay with me then?' Dean asked hesitated.
'You really think I'm leaving you now? I'm gonna stay with you the whole night long.' Seth said.
'Don't you have to work or anything?' Dean asked, he didn't want to cause Seth his job.
'I only have to go if my box peeps, means when an emergency comes and my coworkers aren't able to handle it, which I hope won't happen.' Seth answered.
Dean nodded smiling.

They talked about the lights again, Dean got more detailed, giving Seth a better look at it. After a while of repeating and repeating the story, Dean slowly fell asleep on Seth's chest. The other man looked down at him and stroked through his hair, until he also fell asleep.


Dean's getting somewhere, let's look where it goes!

I hope you're liking this so far, there's more to come! :)

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