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Dean grabbed his stuff to go to the physiotherapy session. He needed to be there in 10 minutes but since he now knew where room 528 was, he didn't need long.
Five minutes later he stood in front of the door of room 528 and knocked but no one was in there and the room was locked. Great, Roman wasn't on time. Dean frightened as he heard someone right behind him, but it turned out to be Seth, with keys in his hands.
'Typical Roman. Never able to be on time.' Seth hissed opening the room for Dean to go in.
'Why are you here? To get to the parking lot you have to go in the other direction.' Dean asked and raised an eyebrow at Seth.
'Just thought you want me to be here with you.. and to piss off Roman.' Seth answered, making Dean chuckled.
'What if I don't want you to be here?' Dean asked, which would never happen, he loved Seth's presence.
Seth made a real confused and astounded look.
'You really want me to leave?' Seth asked and frowned.
'Not really. I mean, I'm fine with Reigns, but I don't really like him.' Dean answered.
'You don't have to force yourself to hate him just because of the story between me and him.' Seth sighed.
'It's not that. It really isn't.' Dean assured Seth.

'Hello Mr. Ambrose- and Rollins.' Reigns said and rolled his eyes as he saw Seth sitting in the chair next to Dean.
'Doctor Rollins.' Seth coughed, which caused Roman to look pissed as hell, Seth's plan already worked and he only said two words.

'Alright,' Roman started through gritted teeth.
'Did you go to the x-ray before?' He asked, friendly again, Dean shook his head.
'I thought you were such a good doctor?' Roman asked and turned to Seth.
'And since I'm a good doctor I know that the x-ray isn't too good and there wasn't the need in it the whole time, since I know exactly that the bone hasn't healed already, it's been barely a week.' Seth answered.
'By the way, that means he isn't allowed to walk right now.' Seth added, like Roman was that stupid, even Dean knew what that meant.
'Alright, then we will just make the electrical stimulation with the suck cups.' Roman said and led Dean to the bed that stood in the room to make it as comfortable as possible.

Roman opened the brace and laid it beside the leg. Dean pulled his basketball shorts up. Roman placed the four suck cups on Dean's leg, two on his under his knee and two right above his ankle. He started the machine and then said he had to get something and went out of the room.

The lower suck cups hurt Dean a bit, but he didn't want to show it since Reigns should know what he does. But somehow Seth saw that it hurt Dean.
'Are you in pain?' Seth asked worried.
'Should be alright, but the lower ones sting a bit.' Dean answered and Seth literally jumped off of the chair and looked at his ankle, a few seconds later and Seth pulled the suck cups away.
'This idiot.' Seth mumbled angrily.
'What was it?' Dean asked.
'Does it still hurt?' Seth asked not answering Dean's question.
'It immediately stopped hurting.' Dean answered.
'Well, Reigns placed them right on the broken spot and this, of course, hurts then.' Seth said and placed the suck cups more upper.
Seth massaged the spot where they were placed before, which sent chills down Dean's spine.
The door opened again and Seth stopped and turned around.
'You could have make the fracture worse!' Seth yelled at Roman and shoved him against the door.
'Get a grip man. What happened?' Roman asked, slightly scared of Seth.
'You placed the suck cups right on the spot where his bones are broken! You know exactly that this isn't good for the healing progress! It could have shattered!' Seth yelled pressing Roman even harder against the door.
'Let him go, you were smart enough to detect what the pain caused and stopped it to hurt then.' Dean said to Seth, he was worried that Seth could do something stupid to Roman.

Dean ripped the suck cups off of his leg and put his brace on again, not correctly but he could do it right later. Dean took his crutches and walked out of the room nudging Seth on his way out as a sign to follow him. Seth looked at Roman with a death stare.
'I could report that and you could lose your job.' Seth sad through gritted teeth before he let go of Roman and walked up to Dean.

'Why so possessive?' Dean asked chuckling.
'I weren't possessive. If it was someone else I wouldn't have done anything.' Seth answered.
'If it was someone else than Roman or if it was someone else than me?' Dean asked.
'Both.' Seth mumbled.
'You didn't pull your brace on properly.' Seth noticed.
'Will do when I'm in my room.' Dean answered.
'Need help then?' Seth asked.
'No, go home, you're tired.' Dean said, Seth was up the whole night long, of course he was tired. Seth even yawned a few times while talking with Dean.
'I guess you're right.' Seth answered chuckling to cover how tired he really was.
They arrived at Dean's room and Dean was about to go in as Seth quickly hugged him.
'See you tonight, Dean.' Seth whispered in Dean's ear before they parted again. And Seth turned around and left before Dean could have even answered or at least look in his face after the hug, to see which facial impression he had, but no, Seth just left as fast as he could.
Dean stood there, stunned. Seth is probably the most mystic man that has ever existed, even that Dean didn't know too much people right now.


AN// This thing with the suck cups could really happen, (I'm the living proof, this caused me 1 month more that I wasn't allowed to walk) and it hurts as hell.

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