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Dean was alone over the night since Seth had to work. Because of that mrsa project thing 3 of his coworkers weren't working with him.

Dean had to go to the physiotherapy today and actually he was looking forward to it. He wanted to ask Reigns some things about Seth, he wanted to hear the other side of the story.

He knocked at the door and heard a voice inviting him in. He opened to see his physiotherapist sitting behind his desk.

'Hello Mr. Ambrose. I think I should apologize to you for the last time, I don't know why I wasn't concentrated, and I'm sorry.' He said while Dean sat down.
'No problem, Se- Dr. Rollins overreacted a bit.' Dean answered.
Reigns raised his eyebrow at him as he almost said Seth, but Dean only smiled awkwardly.

'Well, then.' Reigns huffed.
'Let's start.' He added and led Dean to the bed.

'Can I ask you something?' Dean said while laying down.
'Shoot.' Reigns said.
'Why do you and Rollins feel so much hate towards each other?' He just said it, if Reigns reacted negative, who would care? For Dean it didn't really matter.

'Ehm, okay? Why do you want to know that?' He asked back.
'Mr. Reigns, I don't remember anything of my life, I'm in this goddamn hospital for a while now and I've got nothing better to do than to get to know the workers.' Dean answered, it was half true half a lie.
He wanted to know it because of Seth in the first place, but Seth was a worker, wasn't he?

'You aren't like other patients.' Reigns stated.
'You don't think of any idiotic excuse, you just say the truth, I like that.' He added while putting some gel on Dean's leg, Dean was wondering what it was for.
'And? Would you answer my question?' Dean asked again.

Reigns first didn't answer, he took something that looked like the things you use to see a baby in their mother's womb.
'That's a ultrasonic , something similar to what a doctor takes to show their pregnant patients their baby in the mother's womb.' Reigns explained, Dean knew it was something like that.
'That's not an answer.' Dean coughed.

'By the way, I asked Rollins first but he didn't want to say it, because he didn't want that I think bad about you.' Dean lied, but the anger that grew in the other man's face told him that he was going to hear the story in the next few seconds.

'You could think bad about me? It's rather like you could think bad about him!' Reigns answered angrily.

'It was like this, Seth and I were buddies while studying. I also wanted to become a surgeon, but with physiology faculties.
One day before the practical test we were learning. I asked him something, which was very important, and he answered me. Since he was like a brother to me, I believed him. So the next day I was doing the test and later I got told from the professors that I should probably stay with the physio stuff, since I failed the test and did a major mistake.
And I'm sure he did this on purpose.' Reigns said, it sounded like the same story that Seth told him, except that he didn't mention that Seth tried to call him and say him that what he said wasn't right.

'Wow, never thought he was like this.' Dean just answered. He knew that this wasn't Seth, or?

It was silent for a while, before Reigns started again.
'I think now I have the right to ask you something. Why was Seth so possessive over you? Like if you didn't say something, I'm sure he would have killed me.' He was right, Seth would have at least beat the shit out of him.

'I don't know. Maybe he had a bad day or something like this, you should know that. You know him way better than I do.' Dean said, and lied again.
'Yeah.' Reigns answered, before he put that ultrasonic thing away.

Dean got some tissues to dry his leg, he also got allowed to wash it later, but only with clear water.

'We're finished now, you may go back to your room.' Reigns said, and since Dean got his answers he was good for now and went back to his room.

On his way back he thought about Seth. He hoped that Seth didn't lie to him with the story with his former best friend. Seth wasn't like that, was he?

Why should Seth lie to him anyway? Dean thought that Seth trusted him, since he also told him about Paige, or Saraya.
After all Seth was still a mystery for Dean, but he felt like he was slowly resolving it.

As Dean went in his room he fell on his bed and was still thinking about Seth.

Was Seth also thinking that much about Dean? Was Dean stealing Seth's mind?

Dean hoped he was. Dean hoped he was on Seth's mind, but honestly, he wasn't sure about it.
Who would like someone that practically has no personality and no life? The answer was clear, nobody.

Dean turned to his side so that he could look out of the window. The nightstand was also on this side of the bed and he saw a note laying on top of it.

I bought you something, first drawer.


Dean didn't want to get presents from Seth.

Nevertheless he opened the drawer and smiled as he saw what Seth left for him.
It wasn't something big, and Dean was glad it wasn't.

It was a chocolate bar, and that was exactly what Dean needed. Something that made him feel like somebody like him.

And that was what Seth did, no matter what Dean thought.


Hey, so I finally decided to make a rant book  (I called it Rants and Spams). If you want to know my opinion on the latest WWE rumours and other stuff then you should check it out. ;)

Thank you for reading/voting/commenting! 💙

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