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Seth was laying on his bed, where else, and was on his phone, scrolling through his Twitter time line.

Randy hadn't asked further about the situation and soon after Nikki came out of the bathroom he went into it.
Now Nikki and Seth were in the main room both on their phones not paying any attention to something else than their phones, until it knocked at the door.

Both Nikki and Seth looked towards it as it opened and a tall man, wearing a bio hazard suit, came in.
Seth didn't really know who it was until the other man spoke and it was this voice which was way too familiar for Seth's liking.

'Seth we need to talk.'

Nikki, who first wasn't really paying attention to the man, lifted her head up and the look on her face showed a mixture of panic and anger.

'Seriously Roman I'm not in the mood to listen to your bull crap.'
Seth hissed before turning his attention back to his phone.
Suddenly it wasn't in his hands anymore after Roman snatched it away which made Seth really pissed.
'What the hell?'
'Listen to me and I'll give you your phone back.' Roman said in his you know I'm going to do it voice which the other man hated.
'Excuse me, but I think that's some kind of extortion stuff which is illegal.' Roman's eyes opened wide as he heard those words coming from the other bed across the room.
He turned towards Nikki and stared her down and Seth could swear that he has never seen the Samoan that angry.

'Are you serious right now? Aren't you the one who does that?' He asked her and chuckled sarcastically before he turned around to Seth again, not looking like he would want to receive an answer.
'Seth, listen to me,' Roman started and he sounded calm again.
'Dean did not tell me. Dean has nothing to do with me knowing it, he hasn't told anyone, because he likes you, you're important to him, he would never do something to hurt you-'
'As if you know him well enou-' Roman didn't let Seth interrupt him and over talked him.
'Seth, he cried, he asked a pretty much stranger to drive over to you and talk to you and you still think he would betray you with the thing he knows would hurt you the most? He is a real guy, not some fake bitch you may have been with before.' Seth was a little shocked, but he wasn't able to think about it any further at this moment because Nikki said something again, why did she even think whatever she said was relevant?

'Stop it.'
'Why should I stop know, Nikki? He deserves the truth, doesn't he?
Man, if I crushed on someone I would do everything so that they're feeling good.' Roman said to her and Seth hadn't the foggiest idea of what was going on right now.

'Roman, stop that. You know what I can and will do if..' she stopped before completing the sentence.
'If what Nikki? If I say him everything?' The Samoan asked her, making Seth even more confused and he was sure he deserved answers right now so he started talking before words could have escaped from Nikki's mouth.

'Stop, both of you. Roman.. or Nikki, I don't care, tell me everything I should know right now or else I'm gonna kill both of you.' Seth side his tone determined and obviously clear enough as both Roman and Nikki looked a little shocked.

'Nikki has a crush on you and saw you and Ambrose in the parking lot.
After that she came to me and told me the story with that marriage impostor who tricked you and that I should use that against you so that you think Dean told me and you two break up so she could be with you. And if I didn't do it she would tell McMahon something that would get me fired.'
Seth was confused with that much information from Roman. However before he was even able to realize all these facts Nikki was already talking again.

'That's a lie. It was Roman. He got attracted to Dean and he saw you in the parking lot and he also overheard you two while you told everything Ambrose and he asked me if I could say something about it so that Dean would look like he told me, I said no and then he did what he did and told me I should play along.'

'Okay okay, stop. Are you, Roman, trying to say me that Bella blackmailed you or something and that's why you did that because you didn't want to lose your job? And Bella, you're trying to say me that it was the other way around?' Seth asked and both Nikki and Roman nodded which confused Seth even more.

'Seriously I think we ain't getting anywhere here, but no matter which of your versions is true.. Dean has nothing to do with it.' Seth mumbled the last part to himself, he had been wrong all the time, why the hell didn't he just believe what Dean said?

Now he had probably lost him already.. and even if not Seth wasn't even able to leave this room and eventually he was definitely going to lose him, and it was all his fault, he should have listened to Dean, he should have believed what he said. He should have at latest belived him after Roman drove to his fucking house just to say him that Dean wasn't lying.

'Seth?' Roman asked, interrupting the younger man's thoughts, but he didn't answer.
As Seth heard the bathroom door open, he rushed in it before someone could have noticed that he was crying.

'What the fuck was that again?' Randy said as Seth closed and locked the bathroom door before he was even properly out of the room.

'This is all your fault Roman!' Nikki yelled.
'What?! It's my fault?! I think it's rather your fault!' He yelled back and it went on for that for a longer time, while Seth was in the bathroom, crying and thinking about how stupid he was to let Dean go.


Both Seth and Dean know the truth, Dean found a little hope again while Seth lost his completely.

Who knows how that's going to end.

Doctor In Black || AMBROLLINS Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang