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Seth was walking out of the parking lot after locking his car. He was never that happy while going to work, but since he had that cute guy to check on he liked it. He looked at his watch to see that there was still half an hour till his shift started. Seth thought about going to Dean, but he remembered that Charlotte wanted to visit him and to talk with him, so he changed his plans and went to his favorite place, where he wasn't for a long time now since he would usually go to Dean.

As he walked through the big glass doors he turned left to the staircase. No one was using it, everyone took the elevators, which allowed Seth to be alone, but that wasn't the place he wanted to go. He walked up till the last step was reached, which took him a while. He stood in front of an emergency door, which Seth thought was kind of useless since no one would walk up to the top of the building to be safe.
But Seth didn't make the rules.

He opened the door, letting the cool air hitting his warm skin. He put his bag and paced it between the door and its frame, so that it couldn't close. After that he climbed on the roof of the staircase. The view was awesome, many people that seemed so tiny, cars driving up and down the streets, no one could see him, but he saw everyone, that was an amazing feeling.

He made a mental note to bring Dean up here someday. He felt always good around him.

But he wasn't only happy. Every time he was about to go to Dean he was a bit nervous as well. Before the first time they made out he was so scared that Dean wouldn't like him, since he didn't know how Dean thought about men.

However he was still scared, Dean was the first man he liked, Seth didn't expect to ever have a crush on a man. And Dean was also the first one he liked after what happened with Pai- Saraya.

He told himself to not do it, after what happened with Saraya he swore himself to never get into something serious again, but Dean was.. Dean, he was just Dean. He couldn't be mad like others, he was so innocent and lovely.

Since their little late night talks Seth got really interested in him and started liking him. Still he didn't want to show it, but as he saw Dean in the bathroom, only in his boxers, he could have just taken him then and there, but of course he didn't. However, as Seth saw Dean as he was about to grab a new shirt he knew that he couldn't hold it back anymore. And that was a few days later, a few more hours of talking with the other one.

And Seth didn't regret a bit of it, not the taste of Dean's lips on his, nor the feeling of his body pressed against his own, nor the firmly grip of Dean's hand in Seth's hair, nor the weight of Dean sitting on top of him.

'I can't belive it.' Seth mumbled to himself while he leaned his head in his palms, but he wasn't desperate, a smile crept into his face.

Seth couldn't belive the fact that he liked someone again, it's been a while.

Maybe if Dean was able to handle Seth he could  bring him back. Back to being able to love.

'Seth stop thinking like this, no one will ever be able to do this.' He thought. No one.

All this because of a girl. Why was Seth even so fond of her? Yeah, he wanted to marry her, but that all is a long while ago. He should be free again, free to love and to feel loved.

The second one was probably more harder than the first one. If there was someone he could love someday it would probably be Dean. But was Dean the one who could love Seth?

'Stop. Stop. Stop. I shouldn't think about love.'

That was a huge topic and they just spent time together and made out. He shouldn't think about it.
Maybe another day.

He suddenly felt a vibration in his jacket. It was the timer on his phone he set so that he wouldn't come too late. He always forgot the time when he was at this place.

Seth put it off and jumped down again, then he opened the door and took his bag before heading downstairs.

He took a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the crowd. It was just afternoon and everyone was visiting their loves.

Seth kind of liked that, no one would come to him and see that he was deep in thoughts. He would just be one in the mass.


So that was a view into Seth's thoughts. And I think I'm gonna do more of them, but I waited for this for a special reason.

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