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Dean woke up, still tired. As he opened his eyes he looked at the alarm clock, 1:25am, no wonder he was tired.
He should fall back to sleep, but he wasn't feeling like doing it.
He also didn't want to stay in his room, so he decided to go out, maybe to the smoking area, if he was lucky there would be someone who can give him a cigarette.
It was his last night there, so why would he care if someone said smoking wasn't good?

He sat up and stretched his arms out while yawning, then he took his crutches that lay on the floor and headed out of his room and out of the building.

Dean realized that he should have taken his jacket with him, because it was damn cold, but he quickly got used to it as he went further to the smoking area.

Unfortunately there was nobody, which meant that Dean couldn't ask someone for a cigarette, maybe that was just a sign that Dean shouldn't smoke, he didn't need to anyway.
The fresh and cool air was reason enough to stay a while outside before going back in.

He sat down on one of the benches and leaned back against the backrest. He looked up in the sky, seeing the stars.
Dean was amazed by their beautiful sparkling, it was almost as beautiful as the sparkle in Seth's eyes before their first kiss, but nothing could ever touch that.

'Enjoying the night?' Dean frightened as he heard the voice, he didn't hear someone coming.
He spotted a man with longer hair coming from the side entrance of the hospital, it was this Dr. AJ Styles.

'Sorry, I didn't want to scare you.' He said and chuckled.
'No I wasn't scared, I was just not really expecting someone to come outside at this time.' Dean answered and making some space on the bench where the other one sat down short after.

'AJ, by the way. We didn't really come to that the first time we met.' He said and smiled, which Dean only saw because of the street lamp that was a few feet away.
'Yeah, ehm, hello.' He answered since AJ already knew his name, and probably even more.

AJ took a box which he had in his left hand and hold it towards Dean.
'Want one?' He asked but Dean shook his head, even that this was actually the reason he has been there.

AJ accepted that and pulled a cigarette out for himself and a lighter out of his pocket.
He lightened the cigarette before putting everything beside him on the bench.

'Can I ask what Seth told you about me?' Dean asked while staring at the red light as the other one inhaled.
'Just some random stuff, that you two talked much since he wanted to be there for you because he caught you crying as no one was visiting you or asked for you. He also mentioned that he wouldn't want to miss you after you leave the hospital.' AJ answered, he put the cigarette in his mouth again and took a deep breath, before putting it out of his mouth again.
'I first thought that something was wrong with him since he never talked about friends or having other social contacts than his family and me sometimes. What was even more curios, was the fact that it was a patient.' He added.

Dean didn't expect to hear something like this.
But that didn't matter anymore since that was probably a few days ago and now everything was different to then.

'But he hasn't been the same lately. I don't know if you know but we have this project and he, another doctor and me are in a group and we were just working on it and he was really distracted and lost in thoughts. You know something about that?' He asked.

Dean didn't know how to answer. He was lost in thoughts himself right now, he didn't think that Seth was reacting like that.

AJ snapped his fingers in front of him after a long break.
'Ugh.. no, no I don't know something.' He lied, and he was so hesitated that AJ must have noticed, but he didn't say something about it he just gazed at him in disbelief.

AJ pressed his cigarette against the metal on the outside of the ashtray before throwing it in it.
'Well, I need to go and pack my stuff before finally driving home.' He said while standing up, Dean stood up too to go back in.

They went to the entrance together and as they walked through the double doors AJ talked again.
'If you find something out, tell me.'
'That won't work, I'm allowed to leave the hospital tomorrow after a test.' Dean answered, he still wished to stay a bit longer.
'Oh, I didn't know this, that are good news!' The other answered cheerfully.
'Yeah.' Dean mumbled his answer.

AJ reached his hand out to Dean, who first took his crutch in his other hand before taking and shaking the other man's hand.
Then he went back on both crutches before heading back to his room.

He took it slow since it was the last time he was walking around here at night. It felt so good walking around there at night, even that he didn't know why, it was just different at nights.

It was quiet, not many people walked around, except once in a while there walked a doctor around and many nurses were there too, most of them talking to other nurses or walking into rooms, but today there was this one nurse, that was with Dr. Banks, pushing a table down in Dean's direction. On the table stood many test tubes with different liquids in them, they were all closed with a plug.
She was definitely in a hurry, she almost tripped a few times, and then it happened.

A door opened and short haired man, arms covered in skull tattoos, walked out. The nurse was just able to stop so that the table wouldn't crash into the man, but almost all the test tubes fell down to the floor and broke.

The loud crash awoke the attention of the people around, and the nurse and the man were both shocked. The man instantly pulled his shirt collar up to cover his mouth and nose.
'Everyone cover their mouths and noses and try to don't breath too much!' He shouted.

It sounded serious.
Everyone did as they were told to and you could see that they were all scared.

The tattooed man pulled an old phone out of his pocket, that was probably just a phone he used while being at work. He dialed a number and it took a while until someone answered.
'Professor McMahon, The MRSA bacteria were in test tubes and they broke and the liquid lays all over the floor on hallway 2.'
MRSA, MRSA, where did Dean hear that before?

'No! No! No! This didn't just happen!?' Seth. He rushed to where it happened, covering his mouth and nose with his collar too.

Everyone was panicking and Dean freaked out too as he saw Seth's reaction. This couldn't be a good sign.
Seth looked around and as he saw Dean, his face went pale.
'No.' He said again, not shouting anymore.

And that was as Dean realized what happened.


Do you understand what happened?
It's kinda difficult, but you will definitely find out.

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