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Dean loved him, now he realized it, because it would have never hurt so bad if someone else called him by his last name.
But as Seth did so, it hurt, it hurt so freaking much.
What even more hurt was that he looked so sad and hurt himself and that's only because of Dean, even that he didn't do anything.

He still didn't understand why Roman didn't just say from who he knew it, or rather, he wanted to know why Roman couldn't say it, what was so important that he was okay with ruining a relationship?

Suddenly he had to stop because someone was literally jumping in his way, he almost crashed into the other person, but he was able to hold himself on his feet.
'What the hell?!' He yelled, but then he realized that it was Charlotte, of course. Who else could it be? He hasn't seen any kids in this hospital yet.

'I'm sorry boo. But I have fantastic news for you!' She said jumping up and down in excitement.

What could be fantastic news after what just has happened?
But he couldn't say something, he didn't want to lose the last person in his life.

'Shoot.' Dean said, faking a smile.
'First we should get you back to your room, I'll tell you then.' She answered and Dean slightly groaned, why did she make such a big thing out of it although she wasn't going to tell him now?
He sighed heavily before, yet again, making his way back to his room, accompanied by Charlotte.
She tried to chat with him, but Dean pretended like he didn't hear her because it was too loud around them and she stopped trying it.

After a few minutes they arrived at Dean's room and went in. Dean sat down on his bed while Charlotte took the chair and sat down on it.

'So, what did you want to tell me?' Dean asked slightly disinterested.
'I'm awaiting a bit more happiness, because,' she started and then made a dramatic break, 'you're allowed to leave the hospital tomorrow!' She said cheerfully and a huge smile was gracing her face.

But Dean didn't want to leave, not now, not when he and Seth-
'I really awaited an other reaction. What's up, hun?' Charlotte asked and her smile faded, she was in concern now.
'Nah, the electronic treatment was tough, nothing else, it just stings a bit, but Reigns said that's normal sometimes.'
'Oh, well. It's gonna be a bit boring here without you, you know? And I'm gonna kill you if we don't keep in touch.' Charlotte said playfully.
Dean faked a smile again, he didn't want that she asks further about everything.

Charlotte didn't stay long after that and then they said their goodbyes, and Dean was glad about that, because he felt like crap.

He was a wreck, he couldn't leave tomorrow because he couldn't fix things between them in less than 24 hours, he wasn't even able to try it again, because Seth obviously didn't want to talk to him now, maybe never.

He lay down on the bed and slammed his hands in his face, why was it so freaking difficult?
Why didn't he just die in that damn car crash, instead of living in a world of broken hearts?

But he would have never met Seth and he didn't want to think about his death.

He surely also didn't want to miss this part of his life when he tells his children about his youth, at least the parts he remembered.
Also he wanted that his children are Seth's children.

Maybe that went too far, but it was true, it may sound cheesy because he didn't know him so long, but he knew him as long as he knew himself too.
And he didn't know what it was, but they had that chemistry together, it just made click and he really didn't want that it ended like this.

But what should he do? Seth didn't want to talk to him, even if they were in a room together, they would never have an actual conversation together.

Dean felt helpless, so helpless. Roman was the only one who knew, but he wasn't helping, and he also was a part of why it even happened.
If he wasn't such an idiot, this all would have never happened. Everything would be good right now, and Dean would be happy because he could leave tomorrow with Seth and they could drive to Seth's house, but no, everything wasn't like it could have been, because life wasn't easy.

And life didn't have to be easy, not at all, it would be boring if it was, but what was happening right now, wasn't okay, that was too much, and it wasn't fair.

Seth and Dean were meant to be, so nothing should come between them, should it?


Dean is gonna leave the hospital tomorrow.
The question is, with or without Seth?

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