Part 24: Woohyun's "Girlfriend"

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MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR: Hey guys! its been awhile and to make up for it I made this part extra long. I figure I would make the parts longer now to prevent this story from having too many chapters. And I also have been working on Something as well, I made a trailer for this story! It should be linked with this part but if not, it will be in the description of this story. Its nothing special but something that I decided to do since I like to edit videos as well. Enjoy!


She hangs up. I let out a deep sigh of frustration. Being forced to see my father was one thing but being forced to attend his party is another. I climb out of my bed and got dressed. Sehun was still in the room reading his manga.

Sehun: Family problems?

Me: Not really, just a really irritated one.

Sehun: Where are you going?

Me: Home, then to a ball.

Shun sprang up from his seat. "A ball?! take me with you hyung."

Me: Sure, find yourself a rich snob and ask him to be your father.

Sehun: Omo, what is this? Who are you?

Me: Just an unlucky guy who was born into the wrong family.


-Woohyun's POV-

I strolled along the hallways of Shinwa's medical center wearing a mouth mask and black pullover. I was looking suspicous as I could ever be. I tried my best to make my way through the Neurology department without blowing my cover. If I see any adolescent- horny teenage girls, I would make the run for it. I found myself infront of Dr. Eun young's office. I knock and she opened the door, smiling as she greeted me in.

Dr. Eun young: It's been awhile since your last visit. I was wondering where you've been. Thought you forgot about your own mother.

Me: If only I could.

Dr. Eun young: How's work? Oh I hope it hasn't been to tough on you.

Me: It's fine mom. I just finished our promotions so it'll be quiet for now. Sorry I was planing to see you sooner.

Dr. Eun young: It's fine. In fact, its good that you came today. I've been wanting to tell you something.

Ne: what is it?

Dr. Eun young: We've been invited to attend to professor Kim Yong Ha's evening event.

She pulled out 3 invitations and handed them to me.

Dr. Eun young: It starts at 7:00 tonight. Everyone will be there.

Me: Sorry mom, but I can't. You know I never liked parties anyways.

Dr. Eun young: This is not a "Party." Its a celebration of the launch of professor Kim's academic youth organization.

Me: Professor Kim Yong Ha? you mean Joon myun's dad?

Dr. Eun young: Yes. look, I know that you and Joon myun are in bad terms, but it was years ago. time has passed. Joon myna has let it go, moved on with his life, so why can't you?

Changing the subject, anything is better than talking about the Kim family.

Me: Since there's only two of us, whose the other invitation for?

Dr. Eun young: Well, I thought you could bring a friend of yours to accompany you. Perhaps a lady?

"A lady." I said sarcastically.

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