24. New years

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December 31, 2013

Liza's POV

Tonight is new years eve. Everyone is going to Gabbie's house to watch the clock. I pick out a sweater, leggings, and the necklace David gave to me. I tie my hair up, so it's not in my face, and I walk downstairs.

Liza: "Mom I'm going to Gabbie's for new years."

Leila: "You are leaving me all alone on new years?"

She laughs. My dad was out of town for business so it was only me and my mom in the house.

Liza: "Please."

Leila: "Of course you can go! I wouldn't stop you from hanging out with your best friends. What kind of mother do you think I am?"

I laugh and get my stuff ready. We decide that we all might as well sleep over. I pack some clothes and my toothbrush. I don't bring my computer because I figure that I won't need it. Once everything is packed, I head out. We all live in the same area so Gabbie's house is only a 20ish minute walk.

*A bit later at Gabbie's house*

We are all sitting around the TV, waiting for the news reporter to announce that it's 2014. Everyone but me and David are sitting on the floor. We are sitting on the small sofa that Gabbie has. My head rests on David's shoulder and his arm is wrapped around me. Suddenly Alex turns around.

Alex: "Eww, stop cuddling."

David: "We aren't cuddling."

Liza: "Yeah if we were cuddling, I wouldn't do this."

I slap David's face.

Alex: "Ok well, I don't believe it for a second!"

He turns back to the TV.

Announcer: "Ok everyone! It's 11:59! We are so close to 2014! We dare all of the couples watching this to kiss at 12:00!"

Everyone turns to me and David. I feel myself blush.

Liza: "Why are your guys looking at us?"

Gabbie: "Waiting for you two to kiss duh!"

David: "She said couples! Not friends!"

Erin: "Exactly. And since your guys are a couple, you have to kiss!"

Liza: "We. Are. Not. Dating!"

The clock starts ticking.

Everyone: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEARS!"

I feel David kiss my forehead. I look over at him and see him smiling. I slap him again.

Carly: "David, are you in an abusive relationship?"

We both start laughing. Everyone turns their attention back to the TV. I lean over to David and whisper.

Liza: "What the hell was that?"

David: "I don't know. Just felt like it."

Liza: "You will pay for that."

He chuckles.

David: "Yeah maybe, but it was worth it."

AN: So I really don't know when most people have their first kiss. That's why they didn't kiss, he just kissed her head. I have never kissed anyone so I really don't know what the age is. Anyway sorry for this, I just needed to state that. Also, I don't know what age people start dating. Some girls I know are dating right now, and I'm not (Because ew who would want to kiss me/date me pftt no one). But I feel like most people start dating around grade 9ish or 10 or 11? I really don't know so if the dating aspect or the kissing aspect of this is confusing you, I'm feeling the same way. Thanks for understanding my lack of knowledge on relationships. 

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