Amethyst X Reader

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Warning: Panic attacks during the chapter!!!

Idea from @TheLittleMadHatter


Amethyst was a tough gem to fight, and the fact that she was a gem was making it no easier for you to spar with her. You held the sword in her hands, in a two hand grip, breathing hard, feeling your heartbeat in your neck, your ears, and your stomach. You wondered if gems had pulses, but you pushed the thought away, it wasn't important. And they were rocks, of course they didn't have pulses.

You had no clue that Amethyst could be so...not lazy? You always saw her eating, or sleeping when you came to visit, even on your dates, she was either stuffing her face with pizza or taking a nap, which you loved. She looked so cute when she was focused on something (mostly food) or napping, with her face smushed against the nearest surface that she had put her face on for support.

In fact, she looked the opposite of lazy. She was smirking, watching you as you gasped for breath, not tired at all. She held her whip with an expert grip, and she had no problem swinging it around for hours at a time.

You had been slashing at her for at least thirty minutes, and you were exhausted. But gems didn't tired. Amethyst just pretended to be tired. Or she just liked to sleep.

The sword was feeling heavy in your hands, and even though you had started this sparring round, confident that you would win, you were starting to doubt your words.

You charged, now silently, unlike at the beginning of the training match, when you had shouted when you charged. But you realized that it made you look like an idiot, that it made you even more tired, and Amethyst could easily tell when you were about to attack, when you're screaming.

Amethyst jumped over you, and instinctively slashed, spinning around.

But what you didn't expect was that you hit her. Hard.

There was now a cut right through her stomach, and she landed with a hard thud. You could hardly hear the clatter of the sword hit the ground, and stared, not able to see what you had done. To Amethyst. To your girlfriend.

And then she poofed.

You nearly screamed at the sight, Amethyst's gem on the ground, with no sign of her body. You could hardly see the shape of it through your tears, and you ran over, picking it up. It was surprising warm, and your breathing was ragged.

You knew what was happening, and you hated yourself.

Amethyst had just died, and you weren't even able to help. You had killed her. And here you were, not doing anything, not even going to the Crystal Gems for help, but having a panic attack.

You scrabbled for anything that could maybe tether you to reality. To keep you from this hell.

Amethyst's gem. You clutched it to your chest, gasping, both from lack of breath and the panic attack. Your lungs felt so tired, and your weren't able to breathe normally, halfway through a breath you would freeze up and mess up your breathing all over again. You head started to hurt from your irregular breathing, but you didn't care.

You hope you died.

But then, Amethyst's gem started to heat up again. You couldn't register it in your mind, in fact someone could have easily had stabbed you and you wouldn't register it.

But it was much worse.

Amethyst's gem started to float up, and you desperately tried to grab at it. You couldn't lose her gem, not that too.

But Amethyst's small, familiar body came back. Through the tears in your eyes, you could tell that it was indeed your Amethyst. The one and only.

She landed next to you, making you breathe in, messing your breathing only more, and you moved away. Was she coming back? A ghost? A gem ghost?

Amethyst knelt down at you, holding your face, with the same concerned face that she had whenever this happened to you.

"Breathe. C'mon, breathe. You can do it." Amethyst said, her words slow, but had a sort of drive behind them. Slowly, with the next few minutes, your breathing went from wildly out of control, to only slightly out of control.

"How?" you managed to ask, your throat hurt, and you couldn't ask anything else, although you desperately wanted to ask. How was the most important question.

"Gems come back, honey. I'm fine, look." Amethyst gestured to the rest of herself, and smiled at you. "And I actually changed my outfit. Something new for you."

Another sob welled up, and your nearly started your hyperventilation all over again.

"But there's a good thing, too." Amethyst said in a happy voice. You look up, curious despite everything.

"You did win your bet."

You laughed.

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