1.. Suitcase

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I walked out past security clutching my diary tight too my body as I walked to go get a glass of water. I was absolutely parched after yet another flight and this time dad said that the flights would stop.

I hate flying the bad memories of travelling to one place to another just scares me. I hate moving yet its something in my life that I've just learnt to deal with. I bare a smile at my dad who's busy chatting away with his new girlfriend on the phone. Jade. She's alright I guess I mean she's an utter pain and understands nothing because she is practically the dumbest person I have ever met but its okay as long as dads happy. Jade will never come between us.

Once we get to the house I'm greeted by the smell of ulgas sweet, sweet cooking. The sickening smell of Ulga's chocolate cake oozes past my nose and drags me into the kitchen.

"VILLLUUUUU!!!!" Ulga screams smiling from ear to ear. "Violetta my darling... ooo you look absolutely starving, please dear lemme get you a big old slice of delicious chocolate cake, your favourite!!" I nod and she begins to cut through the gooey layers of chocolate. She hands me a slice and I absolutely devour it forgetting all manors and polietness and focusing on just the cake. Truth to be told I didn't eat one nice piece of chocolate cake in Madrid.

I go up too my room. It looks the exact same as it did when I left. I go to my closet and pull out mums old hoodie and chuck it on over my floral dress.


"Come in!" I yell,unboxing some trinkets. "Violet! Darling aww, its just so lovely too see you isn't it divine matty!" Jade exclaims throwing her arms around me. "Its Violetta.." I mutter rolling my eyes at her. "Oh yes thats right Violetta Violetta Violetta," Mattias starts singing dancing out of my room. I roll my eyes as Jade gives me a fake grin and then leaves. "How am I supposed to live in a house with that?!" I scream to myself. I can't stand that woman.

I get up and pick up my mums diary. I go to a random page and begin to read.

Dear Diary, I absolutely can't believe it! Herman he... he... asked me out!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!! I love him so very much and after our encounter I was scared he didn't want to see me again..  everything in my world is perfect!!

-Maria xoxo

If only my dad would let me get close to any males other than him. He's so overprotective!!

Violetta:The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now