19.... Comfort

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Leons POV:

I watch as V walks up on stage. Her legs and trembling and she looks sick. I know Fede forced her too sing but she's more nervous than I thought she'd be. We haven't spoken since the party I doubt she even remembers me. I watch her as the music starts. Shes trembling as her eyes filled with tears and she runs off the stage. She pushes past me and Andres I see her leaving the studio and I chase after her. I know we aren't even friends but I don't want her walking home alone when its getting late now.It'll be dark any moment now.

I run after her. "Violetta!" I yell as she turns to leave the studio.

V- One its V and Two I was just leaving.

She tries to run but I grab her arm.

V-Get off me I don't wanna see Fede so I have to leave Now!

Leon- You aren't leaving alone its getting late and your house is kinda far from here...

V-I don't care now get off me Leon!

Tears start pouring out her eyes and she starts panicing looking around for something breathing heavily. I take her hand and take her too a music room and sit her down.

Leon- Fede won't see you in here. Are you okay V?

V-Does it look like I'm okay? This is all Fede's fault I never want to see him again!!

Leon- I may be able to help more if I knew why you were crying...

She stays silent and looks at me.

Violettas POV


*end of flashback*

I stare into Leons beautiful hazel eyes.

V-There was this guy.... it was when I was here one summer.. he was a singer... we sang together...it was the song that i would never stop singing... he became my boyfriend.... we dated until I found out he had another girlfriend and he wasn't telling me about her.... he cheated on me.... and he moved away again... so did i... i haven't been here since...

I stuttered over every word as I cried my heart out to Leon. I shut my eyes and sat down scared of what was to come next. Suddenly two muscular arms wrapped around me and I heard Leon whisper, "it'll be fine V... he's gone!". I smile at him through my tears stand up and wrap my arms around him.

Leons POV:

V gets up and hugs me I smile at her. She trusted me enough to tell me this and I managed to comfort her. I wipe her eyes and then try to reasonabley talk to her.

Leon-Now lets go back they're probably worried sick...

V-Leon I don't want to... Fede...

Leon-You can't hide in hear forever and Fede is your lift home remember...

V-Leon its embarassing..

Leon- Not if you go in on my arm

I smirk at her and she laughs. I hold out my arm and she clutches hold of it. I wipe her last tears away and she smiles at me.

Leon- Lets go!

I try to act as happy as possible.. we walk out into the main hallway and I can hear Fede singing.

V- Leon I'll just distract him please let me just walk home

She tries to leave but I hold her tight. I put my arm around her and we head back into the performance area. Suddenly Fede stops singing and everyone stares at us. I look down at V who looks all panicky again.

Violetta:The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now