17.... The Big Showcase

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Violettas POV:

I smiled as we approached the studio. Fede smiled at me and we walked in him grasping hold of my hand. People often thought me and Fede were a couple because he always had his arm around me or was holding my hand. It was only because he was protecting me and didn't want to loose me in crouded situations. We had always been there for eachother and we loved eachother like brother and sister. We rushed through to a room with a stage. Fede sat down next to me and the guys approached us. I haven't seen them all since Fede's party a few months back. They all look great in fonrmal dresses and tuxes. Everyone else looks so casual but the guys really stand out. They must be performing like this. "Fede! Go get changed!" Fran yells at him laughing. Fede lets go of my hand and runs off. Fran and Cami come over to me. "V!" They say in unison I laugh as I give them a hug. We have a little catch up before they have to go. I spot Fede flash me a smile before going up on stage. First its the guys song. (Song is below ignore video)

They sang great. The audience roared as they came off. Then the blonde girl and this other girl went up.

They were amazing. A few guys at the back wolf whistled as the came off. Then a group of the guys went on.

It was amazing. The audience roared and clapped as they came off. Then Leon and some guys went on.

Every girl in the room except me screamed. I put my hands to my ears to block out the screams. Leon looked at me and winked. I smiled at him laughing. Last but not least the blonde girl gets up and sings.

The audience claps and cheers and she blows a kiss at them. They all rush to the front of the stage to bow. They walk off the stage and I stay seated seeing the swarm of people approaching them. Fran and Cami come up to me. I congratulate them and give them a hug. They sit with me and we talk for what feels like forever. They tell me stories of the studio and I tell them embarassing stories about Fede when he was younger. The others are still being swarmed. I look over too see Maxi turning on some music. "PARTAYYYY!!" Andres yells down the microphone piercing everyones ears.
We all laugh and me Cami and Fran get up and start dancing too the blasting music. Something tells me this is going to be a very good night!

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