6... Federico

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A/N: You probably should have guessed it but basically Federico is now going to be living with the family now. In this story he has been Violetta's best friend since they were little, there dads are best friends and they met eachother when both of there fathers had business meetings in Rome.Federico is coming over to study music at the studio. Also just too note in this story German fully approves of Music as he believes its like a tribute to Maria. Also about the Angie sitchuation in this story, Violetta knows Angie is her aunt, but she doesn't know that she works at the studio.

2 Months Later...

Breakfast was surprisingly civil for once. Jade didn't even bother to open her mouth the entire meal. "Anyway Violetta, I have some extremely good news for you!" Dad grinned at me with great excitement. "What is it dad?? Come on just tell me!!"

"Federico is coming to live with us!!" He exclaims. I throw my arms around him in shock. I haven't seen Federico for almost a year and he's now coming to live with us. Its insane. "Why??" I squel excitedly. "He'll be studying music at the studio and he needs a place to stay!" Dad explains. I pull him into a hug and squeeze him tight. I need Fede right now.

*5 hours later*


I spring up from my chair and yell at the top of my lungs "COME ON IN!!". The front door flings open and Federico, my best friend in the whole wide world runs in bounding at me. He grabs me in a hug and picks me up spinning me round in the air. "Fede, I missed you ever so much" I squel in excitement. "Well I'm here now lets totally gossip!" He mocks me. I playfully punch him the arm and he fakes his arm aching and falls onto the floor in fake pain. I laugh at his ridculous acting skills and grab his bags. "You'll never be an actor!". "Wanna see your room or what?" I ask him. He picks up his bags and follows me to his room. "Like it?" I chuck his bags on the floor and flop onto the bed. He flops down next to me. "Spill V!" He exclaims giving me a worrying look. I haven't talked to him properly since we moved here. He doesn't know about the party. Its not like it matters anyway... none of us have been in contact to be honest they've probably forgotten about me.

Violetta:The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now