21.....Band Practice

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*1 month after the show at the studio*

Violettas POV:

I get up at around noon, Fede must have forgotten to wake me up this morning. I smile at my phone 3 messages from Fede.

11 Minutes ago: Hey I forgot my folder can you drop it off?? Its red with blue stripes... Should be on the desk! Its got the songs for band practice in it... if that helps

5 Minutes ago: We're practicing in about half an hour so just get it too me by then...

1 Minute ago: V ARE YOU ASLEEP?

I quickly text him telling him I'll get there asap. I put on my outfit (in media) and some light makeup. I search through his room and grab the folder. I put it in my bag and head downstairs. Dad greets me seeming nervous.

Herman- Vilu..... HI

V- Dad don't call me that and I'm in a hurry I have to drop this off for Fede and I overslept...

Herman-Okay okay run along then...

I leave the house and walk to the studio. The walk is long but sweet but by the time I get to the studio my feet are killing me.

I enter the building and take Fede's folder out of my bag. I go to a group of girls hoping they no where he is.

V-Excuse me have you seen Fede?

Girl #1- Omg Fede I haven't just seem him he winked at me and it was everything!!!!

Girl #2- Wait are you his girlfriend

Girl #1- Sorry but we are goals so you are just gonna have to wait in line girl

Girl #2-Chances are we saw him first!

Ok time to mess with these girls..

V-Actually I saw him first as I'm his twin sister

The girls walk away embarassed and I just laugh behind them. I turn around and see Leon laughing with Ludmilla. She flips her hair and then walks away. I walk up to him.

V-Hey Leon! You seen Fede I got his folder?

Leon-Oh um... hi V yeah sure follow me..

He's acting kinda weird. Oh well. I follow him and see Fede talking to Broadway and Maxi. "Folder delivery for Federico!" I scream jumping up behind him wrapping my arms around him. He lets out a girlish scream and shakes me off.

Fede-You scared me! Oh and thanks

He takes his folder and smiles at me.

Maxi-Hey V wanna hear us practice?

Fede-Yeah then I can drive you back

V- Sure

I smile at them.

Leons POV:

The guys invite V to watch practice. I look at her she looks more beautiful each day I sware. Luckily she doesn't go here or I think I'll go insane. I can't be thinking this I'm trying to get back with Ludmilla and this isn't going to help.She claps when we've finished.

Fede- And now you sing

Fede thrusts the mic at V and I look at her in shock when she grabs it.
She sings the song amazingly. I hav3 never heard what she sang before.Me and the guys clap for her and then her and Fede rush home.

Authors Note:If the media shows up.. ignore the video for the guys song.. I couldn't find the one I wanted so this one has diego on it. Also if the youtube videos don't appear (they aren't appearing for me) It'll be fine they aren't crucial at this stage...

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