18... Karaoke

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*50 minutes later*

Violettas POV:

Fede's finally standing alone I leave the dance floor and go to congratulate him. I smile at him as I approach. He smiles back at me. I fling my arms around him and he hugs me back. We pull away and he puts his arm around me. I nudge him in the stomach. "Stop acting all cutesy with me its disgusting!" I joke playfully hitting him in the arm. He puts his arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. I elbow him in the stomach.

"Stop it or someones gonna get the wrong idea!" I laugh realizing some of the guys are looking at Fede. He just laughs and shakes his head. I hit him gently round the head and he acts hurt rubbing his non-sore head. "FEDE! DANCE WITH ME!" I turn around to see the blonde girl with her hands on her hips. "Nah I'm alright!" Fede says giving me the 'i hate that person' look. I show the girl a fake smile. "Hey V! Wanna dance?" He asks winking at me. I nod he grabs my hand and we go to the dancefloor. The blonde girl isn't giving up easily she storms over too us and starts pulling at Fede's arm. He quickly snatches it back. She starts moaning so loud you can hear it over the music. Fede tries to ignore her but obviously struggles looking irritated as we dance.After the song the music stops and we turn around confused. "Karaoke everyone!" A guy with the mic yells. Everyone screams in excitement. I shrug. Singings not really my thing. "Ludmilla goes first!" The blonde girl screams snatching the mic of the guy.We all go and sit down.

A few people clap at the end. It wasn't as good as I thought she would be but she was alright. Suddenly a guy I've not seen before gets up and starts singing. He pulls Fran up on stage. He's kinda cute and seems into Fran.

*15 minutes later*

Cami-So V do you sing?

V-Nah not really..

Fran-Sing with us V!

V-Urgh fine!

They drag me up on stage and we start singing. It actually sounds decent.

Some people clapped. Obviously not many.

Cami-V you can sing amazingly!!

Fran-Yeah you should join the studio!!

V- I told you singings not my thing

Fede- Used to be!

I can't believe Fede just said that. I punch him the arm and look at him my eyes full of rage.

Fede- Fine I won't bring it up!

Fran-Please spill Fede!!!

V-No Fede don't...

Cami- Please she told us about the time you laughed and Milkshake snorted out of your nose!

Fede- Oh well then I will tell them!

V- Fede No!

Fede- Yes you should sing that song too!! You know you sing it awesomely

V- You can't make me

Fede- Or can I?

V-No now go away I can't and won't sing!

I push him away and he bumps into Ludmilla the obnoxious blonde girl. "Sorry" he mutters giving me a death glare.

Ludmilla- I overheard your little conversation... Its okay I agree with this girl she can't sing!

Fede- Yes she can

Cami-Ludmilla we all heard her she sings amazingly

Ludmilla-Definetly not as good as me

V- That a challenge

Ludmilla-Oh Please Bring it!

We sing and the guys clap.

Fran- Ludmilla just except it she's the better singer.

Fran puts her arm around Ludmilla who struts off and we all start laughing.

V-Seriously Though I am not singing again

Fede-Sing that song!

V-Fede its a duet... you know that...

Fede-Just sing!

V-Urgh fine!

I get up on stage shaking...

The music starts my legs start trembling. I hear the music start and I just can't. I freeze the lights shining in my face. I walk off stage and out of the Studio. I hate Fede for making me do this.

Violetta:The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now