8... Federicos First Day

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Authors Note: Please pay attention to whos pov the part you are reading is.

Violettas POV:

I pound and pound and pound on Fede's door its my mission to get him to the studio on time."But V!!" He moans as I chuck pillows at him. "No you are getting up!" I yell at him and begin to repeatedly hit him with a pillow until he runs to the bathroom. "You run like a girl!" I scream behind him laughing to myself. "You know I am insecure about my running abilities!" Federico yells from the bathroom but I can tell he's having a laugh. Its good that Fede's here I mean he's practically my only friend and with him here I feel like my other half is finally back. He's practically my brother.

Federicos POV:

As I nervously step into the studio Pablo and Antonio come out of the teachers lounge. "Fede, its nice to finally meet you!" Antonio shakes my hand and smiles at me. It feels good to be here.

I walk into the singing classroom and sit nervously on a chair that seems rather isolated from the rest. Angie makes me perform in front of anyone and I am terrified. First impressions definetly count and I would just like to say. I nailed it.  "Ok so your first project will be to write a song and a melody guitar or piano or both with a partner," Angie says with delight "So the pair list is here if you want to have a look at it." Angie exits the classroom and everyone rushes to the pair sheet.

Ludmilla and Andres

Camila and Naty

Maxi and Francesca

Leon and Federico

I look at Leon, "guess were partners?"  I shrug. I really don't try to sound mean but he doesn't look incredibly friendly. "Yea and we're gonna be the best team!" He smiles at me. I smile back polietly. I talk with Leon and the guys pretty much all day and I gathered some pretty interesting gossip that I just can't wait to tell Vilu!

Broadway is dating Camila but doesn't like how she's always getting drunk and partying.

Maxi and Nati like eachother but the social clique system leads them to have seperate lives...

Leon is surprisingly not interested he apparently tried to hook up with this girl at a party and all he got was a peck on the lips...

Andres has a secret dating profile...

Never said it was incredibly interesting gossip but the Leon one is quite a joke. I mean how much of a fail is the guy. Anyway V will get to meet him tonight he's coming to reherse a group song for pablo with the guys. She can judge whether he's a joke or not.

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