23... Engagement Party pt 1

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Violetta POV:

Its the morning of the engagement party and I am above all totally nervous. I smile at the alarm clock 7:00am. I run out to Fede's door and start pounding on it. "Come in!" I hear him cheerfully call out. I swing open the door to see a smiley Fede choosing a blazer. He puts them down on the bed and smiles at me. He gives me a quick hug and I smile back at him.

Fede-So what brings you to my bedroom at 7:00am

V-Just making sure you remembered that today you have to be there for me at all costs...

Fede-Oh V of course I will!

He pulls me into another hug and we pinky sware on it. I smile at him. Todays the day. The day I'll need him more than ever.

Leons POV:

*One hours till the party*


I hear my phone go off and see a text from Ludmilla.

My SuperNova: Lion remember pick me up in 2 and a half hours I want to be fashionabley late!

I sigh as I read the message. Why did I even get back with her. I quickly reply and then head to the bathroom. I try the handle and its locked. I knock on the door.

"Sorry hon just finishing up!"  I hear my mom yell from inside. I sigh at this two. Nothings going right today. Suddenly my mom rushes out in a top and skirt all dolled up. "Where are you off too??" I ask her as she smiles at me. "Herman Castios engagement party silly! Me and your dad were invited," she ruffles my hair and gives me a smile. I rush into the bathroom panicking. I haven't told her I've gotten back together with Ludmilla because they both hate her. Oh crap what if they see me there with her!! I'm totally screwed!

Jades POV:

*15 minutes before the party*

I sit in the dining room chair in my absolutely beautiful dress. Emma's doing my makeup obviously I wouldn't do it myself and Cat's just finished my hair. I look in the mirror. Urgh Mrs Castio. Mrs Herman Castio. Jade Castio. Castio. Castio. Castio. I love the name.

Violetta:The First ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now